Airbridge supports integration with Adscend Media. With the integration, you can track and measure the performance of your Adscend Media campaigns in Airbridge.
Navigate to [Integrations]>[Ad Channel Integration] and select Adscend Media. In the [Tracking Link] tab, you can create and manage tracking links to measure the performance of your Playtime campaigns. For detailed instructions on creating and managing tracking links in Airbridge, refer to the articles below.
Postback configuration required
To share in-app events and attribution results with ad channels, postback configuration must be completed before you embed tracking links to your ads.
If the postback configuration is not completed before data collection begins, the data will not be shared with the respective ad channels.
In the [Attribution Rules] tab, you can configure the lookback window and attribution window for Playtime campaigns. Click Go to edit page to move to the [Management]>[Attribution Rules] page, where you can edit attribution rules.
Refer to this article for detailed instructions on configuring the lookback window and attribution window.
In the [Postback] tab, you can configure postbacks and determine which in-app events and attribution results to send as postbacks. The data collected with the Airbridge SDK and tracking links enables you to optimize campaigns and make strategic decisions about budget allocation. Follow the steps below to complete the postback setup. For more details on postback settings in general, refer to this article.
Make sure to request the Advertiser ID and Key from Adscend. They need to be submitted to Airbridge to implement the postback integration.
1. Navigate to [Integrations]>[Ad Channel Integration], select Adscend Media and select the [Postback] tab.
2. Select the [Integration Info] tab and submit the Advertiser ID and Key from Adscend.
Make sure to request the Event IDs from Adscend Media. Each advertiser gets unique Event IDs for specific in-app events which must be submitted to Airbridge for proper postback setup.
1. Navigate to [Integrations]>[Ad Channel Integration], select Adscend Media and select the [Postback] tab.
2. Select the [Postback URL] tab and click Create Postback URL.
3. Select the events you want to send as postbacks and click Next.
3. Set the Postback URL and configure the parameters if necessary. Then, click Save.
4. Click the [gear] icon for a specific event.
5. Enter the Event ID and click Save.
6. Click Start sending postbacks to apply the settings to the postbacks.
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