Petal Ads


Huawei Ads changed its name to Petal Ads. For more details, visit Huawei Developers.

Petal Ads supports diverse ad formats, including splash, banner, rewarded, native, and roll ads across Huawei apps. With the integration, you can view the ad performance of your Petal Ads campaigns in Airbridge.

Integration Setup

You can set up the integration with Petal Ads in the [Integrations]>[Ad Channel Integration] menu. Make sure to enable smart tracking in Petal Ads before submitting your Link ID to Airbridge. If this step isn’t successfully completed, Airbridge events may not be visible in your Petal Ads dashboard, leading to inaccuracy in analysis.

Enable smart tracking in Petal Ads

1. In your Petal Ads dashboard, select [Tools] from the top menu bar and navigate to [Delivery assistance]>[Events and assets].

2. Click Add asset.

3. Click App.

4. Select “Airbridge” from the [Analytics Tool] dropdown menu and switch on the Smart Tracking toggle. Click Submit.

Submit Petal Ads credentials to Airbridge


The integration setup can only be completed by submitting the Petal Ads Link ID to Airbridge. Contact Petal Ads to get your Link ID.

1. Navigate to [Integrations]>[Ad Channel Integration] in your Airbridge dashboard. Select “Petal Ads."

2. Select the [Integration] tab. Switch on the Petal Ads MMP Integration toggle.

3. Enter your Petal Ads Link ID and click Submit.

4. Switch on the In-app Event Postback toggle to send events to Petal Ads. For more details, refer to the section below.

In-app event postback setting

By enabling postbacks, you can send Airbridge events to enrich your data in Petal Ads and drive insights to optimize your campaigns.

Navigate to [Integrations]>[Ad Channel Integration], and select “Petal Ads.” In the [Integration] tab, switch on the In-app Event Postback toggle. You must have switched on the Petal Ads MMP Integration toggle and submitted your Petal Ads Link ID in advance.

Attribution rules

In the [Attribution Rules] tab, you can configure the lookback window and attribution window for Petal Ads. Click Go to edit page to move to the [Management]>[Attribution Rules] page, where you can edit attribution rules.

For detailed instructions on configuring the lookback window and attribution window, refer to this article.

Agency Setting

Owner or In-house Marketer users can authorize Agency users to access Petal Ads campaign data in Airbridge. You can check each user’s app role in the [Settings]>[User Management] menu.


All Owner and In-house Marketer users can grant Agency users permission to access the campaign data of individual ad channels.

How to add agencies to the permission list

You can add agencies to the permission list in the [Agency Setting] tab.

1. Navigate to [Integrations]>[Ad Channel Integration] in the Airbridge dashboard. Select “Petal Ads.”

2. Select the [Agency Setting] tab and click + Add Agency.

3. Select the agency to authorize. Agencies already added won’t appear in the search results.

4. Configure the rules for the campaigns that the selected agency can access. Select “starts with” or “ends with” to give access to the campaigns that either start or end, respectively, with specific keywords.

You can choose from the existing ones or enter new ones. The keywords can be up to 50 characters long, using only letters in mixed case, numbers, and hyphens. To save your configuration, click Save.

5. In the [Agency Setting] tab, you can see the list of authorized agencies and the campaign name rules.

Scope of access

Once an agency is added to the access permission list, users belonging to that agency will gain access to the campaign data and integration features, albeit with certain limitations.

If you are an Agency user and need access permission, ask an Owner or In-house Marketer user to add your agency to the access permission list.

Owner or In-house Marketer users

Agency users with permission

View the Airbridge reports


(campaign data given access to)

View ad account information


(Ad accounts of users from the same agency only)

Add or delete ad accounts


(Ad accounts of users from the same agency only)

Manage the integration toggle status



View the modification history




Only Owner and In-house Marketer users can manage the integration toggle status or view the modification history. If you are an Agency user and need access to these features, contact an Owner or In-house Marketer user.

How to manage campaign data access

Edit or delete the campaign name rule for individual agencies in the [Agency Setting] tab to control the scope of campaign data access agencies get. If you want to restore a deleted rule, you must add the agency to the permission list again, repeating the steps above.

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