iOS SDK (v4)

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This guide provides instructions for installing and setting up the iOS SDK v4. For earlier versions, consult the iOS SDK (Previous) guide.

Install the Airbridge iOS SDK and implement the necessary settings following the steps below.

Install SDK

The Airbridge iOS SDK can be installed using the method below. After installation, you can verify whether the SDK has been properly installed through the iOS SDK Test.

1. Navigate to [File]>[Add Packages...] in Xcode.

2. Enter the following address into the search bar and click Add Package.

3. Click Add Package again.

4. The Airbridge iOS SDK will be added to Package Dependencies.

Install Restricted SDK


Install only one version of the SDK, either the general SDK or the restricted SDK.

Depending on policies and environments, restrictions on collecting device IDs like GAID and IDFA may be required. When installing the Restricted SDK version, the device IDs are not collected.

Install the Restricted SDK using the method below.

1. Navigate to [File]>[Add Packages...] in Xcode.

2. Enter the following address into the search bar and click Add Package.

3. Click Add Package again.

4. The Airbridge iOS SDK will be added to Package Dependencies.

Initialize SDK

SDK initialization methods vary depending on the system architecture. For SceneDelegate Lifecycle or AppDelegate Lifecycle, refer to the method for AppDelegate. For SwiftUI Lifecycle, refer to the method for SwiftUI.

The YOUR_APP_NAME and YOUR_APP_SDK_TOKEN can be found on the [Settings]>[Tokens] page in the Airbridge dashboard.

Call the Airbridge.initializeSDK function at the very top of AppDelegate's application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) function.

import UIKit
import Airbridge

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
    func application(
        _ application: UIApplication,
        didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?
    ) -> Bool {
        let option = AirbridgeOptionBuilder(name: "YOUR_APP_NAME", token: "YOUR_APP_SDK_TOKEN")
        Airbridge.initializeSDK(option: option)
        return true


Make sure that the Airbridge.initalizeSDK function is called within the application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) of the AppDelegate for proper functionality.

Configure ATT Prompt


The functions necessary to ensure compliance with privacy policies should be reviewed with legal counsel.

The IDFA can only be collected if users consent to data tracking via the App Tracking Transparency (ATT) prompt.

Event collection should be delayed until the user allows tracking. If the install event is collected before the user allows tracking through the ATT prompt, the install event data will lack an identifier, making performance measurement difficult. We recommend setting a sufficient delay time for event collection to collect identifiers.

1. Prepare the text you will use in the ATT prompt.

2. Enter the prepared text in the NSUserTrackingUsageDescription key of the Info.plist file.

  1. Navigate to [YOUR_PROJECT]>[Info]>[Custom iOS Target Properties] in Xcode.

  2. Hover your mouse over the key items, click + that appears, and enter Privacy - Tracking Usage Description.

  3. Enter the text for the ATT prompt as value.

3. Set the point of time for displaying the ATT prompt on the app.

4. If the install event is not collected, the Airbridge iOS SDK delays collecting install events for 30 seconds until the user allows tracking each time the app is launched. If the user exits the app before deciding whether to allow tracking, the SDK will not collect the install event and will try again at the next app launch.

The autoDetermineTrackingAuthorizationTimeout function can be used to set a sufficient delayThe default value is 300 seconds, and it can be set up to 3600 seconds (1 hour). for collecting install events. The default setting for the autoDetermineTrackingAuthorizationTimeout is 30 seconds. It can be set up to 3600 seconds (1 hour).

import Airbridge
let option = AirbridgeOptionBuilder(name: "YOUR_APP_NAME",
                                    token: "YOUR_APP_SDK_TOKEN")
    .setAutoDetermineTrackingAuthorizationTimeout(second: 30)
Airbridge.initializeSDK(option: option)


Set a sufficient delay time to collect the app install event. If the SDK collects install events before users can allow tracking on the ATT prompt, the IDFA will not be collected along with the install events.

Opt-in setup


Optional settings. Configure only if necessary.

The opt-in policy requires user consent before using user data.

After setting the setAutoStartTrackingEnabled function to false, call the startTracking function at the point of time when you can collect events. The SDK will start collecting events when the startTracking function is called.

import Airbridge
let option = AirbridgeOptionBuilder(name: "YOUR_APP_NAME", token: "YOUR_APP_SDK_TOKEN")
Airbridge.initializeSDK(option: option)

Opt-out setup


Optional settings. Configure only if necessary.

The opt-out policy allows the use of user information until the user explicitly declines.

After setting the setAutoStartTrackingEnabled function to true, call the stopTracking function at the point of time when you can no longer collect events. When the stopTracking function is called, the SDK will stop collecting events.

import Airbridge
let option = AirbridgeOptionBuilder(name: "YOUR_APP_NAME", token: "YOUR_APP_SDK_TOKEN")
Airbridge.initializeSDK(option: option)

SDK Signature


Optional settings. Configure only if necessary.

With the SDK Signature, you can prevent SDK spoofing and use verified events to measure ad performance.

The SDK Signature credentials, which are the Secret ID and the Secret, are required for the SDK Signature setup. They can be found on the [Management]>[Fraud Validation Rules]>[SDK Signature] page in the Airbridge dashboard. For more details on how to find the SDK Signature credentials, refer to this Airbridge guide.

Once you have the credentials, call the setSDKSignature function above the SDK initialization code.

import Airbridge
let option = AirbridgeOptionBuilder(name: "YOUR_APP_NAME", token: "YOUR_APP_SDK_TOKEN")
Airbridge.initializeSDK(option: option)

Deep Linking

Deep linking allows you to redirect users from ads to specific locations within your app. The data collected from the tracking link enables you to monitor the performance of the deep link in Airbridge.

When a user clicks on the Airbridge tracking link, the scheme deep link embedded in the tracking link is converted into an Airbridge Deep Link, which can be either an HTTP deep link or a scheme deep link. This Airbridge Deep Link redirects the user to the desired app location. Then, the Airbridge SDK converts the Airbridge Deep Link back to the original scheme deep link embedded in the tracking link and passes it to the app.

  • Example scheme deep link embedded in the tracking link: YOUR_SCHEME://product/12345

  • Examples of Airbridge Deep Links

    • HTTP deep link format 1:

    • HTTP deep link format 2:

    • Scheme deep link format: YOUR_SCHEME://product/12345?airbridge_referrer=~~~

When the app is installed on the device and the tracking link is clicked, the app opens through the Airbridge Deep Link. The Airbridge SDK converts the Airbridge Deep Link into the scheme deep embedded in the tracking link and passes it to the app.

When the app is not installed on the device and the tracking link is clicked, the Airbridge SDK saves the Airbridge Deep Link is saved. After the user is redirected to the app store or website and the app is installed and launched, the Airbridge SDK converts the saved Airbridge Deep Link into the scheme deep embedded in the tracking link and passes it to the app.

Set up deep linking

For the deep linking setup, the following information is required.

  • Deep link information submitted in the Airbridge dashboard

  • In-app location address for user redirection

First, enter the deep link information into the Airbridge dashboard.

After entering the deep link information into the Airbridge dashboard, an additional app setup is required. Check the required setup process below, which varies by the app's system method.

Set up deferred deep linking

When a user clicks on a tracking link with deferred deep linking capabilities and your app is not installed on the device, the Airbridge SDK collects the deep link as follows.

Use the Airbridge.handleDeferredDeeplink function to convert the saved Airbridge Deep Link into a scheme deep link after collection and pass it to the app. The converted scheme deep link should be used to send the user to the intended destination.

import Airbridge
let option = AirbridgeOptionBuilder(name: "YOUR_APP_NAME", token: "YOUR_APP_SDK_TOKEN")
Airbridge.initializeSDK(option: option)
let isHandled = Airbridge.handleDeferredDeeplink() { url in
    if let url {
        // show proper content using url (YOUR_SCHEME://...)

The Airbridge.handleDeferredDeeplink function returns true if the app is installed and called for the first time, waits for the Airbridge Deep Link collection, and converts it to a scheme deep link to pass it to onSuccess. You can use this scheme deep link to send users to the intended destination.

If there is no stored Airbridge Deep Link, nil is passed to onSuccess. If the SDK is not initialized or if the Airbridge.handleDeferredDeeplink function has not been called for the first time, false will be returned.

The scheme deep link passed is generally in the format of YOUR_SCHEME://... URL. If you use services like Meta Deferred App Links, it may be passed in a different format.

In-app Events

The Airbridge SDK collects user actions from the app as per settings and sends them as in-app events.

Send in-app events

SDK setup for hybrid app

You can set up the Android SDK to handle Airbridge-related tasks within the in-app website without changing the website's code for your hybrid app.

Call the Airbridge.trackEvent function to send events. Refer to the information below about the required Airbridge.trackEvent function components and their types.








Event name



[String: Any]

Semantic attributes of events



[String: Any]

Custom attributes of events

Refer to the component definition and available strings below.

The Event Category of Standard Events and Semantic Attributes provided by the SDK are as follows.

Refer to the example codes for each data type below.

import Airbridge
    category: "event",
    semanticAttributes: [
        AirbridgeAttribute.VALUE: 10,
    customAttributes: [
        "string": "string",
        "number": 1000,
        "boolean": true,
        "object": ["key": "value"],
        "array": ["value"],

Additional in-app event settings


The default settings will apply if no additional settings are configured. Proceed after reviewing whether additional settings are necessary.

Configure additional settings for sending in-app events if necessary.

Example codes

Airbridge collects in-app events that are classified as Standard Events and Custom Events. Standard Events are events predefined by Airbridge. Refer to the example codes below.