Event Taxonomy

A taxonomy is crucial for organizing your event data in a structured and meaningful way. It enables you to identify data relevant to your decision-making and ensure consistency in data collection across apps and websites. All the events you define are compiled into a single comprehensive document.

Designing an Event Taxonomy

The first step to designing an event taxonomy is to identify the data most relevant to your reporting, analytics, and decision-making. After determining the user actions and conversions to track, define the events to track with Airbridge.

Airbridge Events are divided into Standard Events and Custom Events. Standard Events are pre-set events with a fixed Event Category and configurable properties such as the Event Action, Event Label, and Event Value. Custom Events are fully customizable events with all properties configurable. Specifying the trigger event for data collection is also part of designing the event taxonomy. Your Airbridge CSM will assist you throughout the entire process of designing your taxonomy.


You have the flexibility to redefine events at any time. However, note that the changes won’t apply to the data collected earlier, leading to potential data discrepancies. Make sure to consult closely with your Airbridge CSM during the initial event taxonomy design process.


Event Taxonomy Examples

Event Category

Event Action

Event Label

Event Value

Semantic Attribute

Custom Attribute







Let’s say you are using the Standard Event for tracking sign-ups. The Event Category is predefined by Airbridge as airbridge.user.signup and the other properties are not configured. You can view the data collected by selecting the “Sign-up” metric in Airbridge reports.

Note that the Event Category should always be configured, whereas the other properties may be configured selectively depending on the nature of your business.

Consistency in names and definitions

It is advised to use the same definition for events or metrics with the same name across all Apps in your organization. Using consistent names and definitions within the organization can enhance efficiency in analyzing ad performance reports across multiple Apps.



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