Fraud Validation Rules

Detect and fight ad fraud by configuring fraud validation rules. You can set the prevention level for each rule and decide how to process the fraudulent conversions and touchpoints.


The fraud validation rules may affect ad cost calculations for paid ads. Consult with your ad channels, agencies, and any other stakeholders before configuring the fraud validation rules.


Fraud Validation Rules by Ad Fraud Types

Airbridge offers the following fraud validation rules to detect different types of ad fraud. Each rule operates independently.


Fraud Validation Rules



Conversion Traffic

Detect suspicious events based on device information

Lag Time

Detect suspicious touchpoints based on the CTIT

Frequency Capping

Detect suspicious touchpoints based on the frequency of the touchpoint occurrence

IP Blocklisting

Detect suspicious touchpoints based on IP

SDK Signature

Detect suspicious events using SDK Signature credentials

Injection Prevention

Detect suspicious touchpoints that occur between app install and the first launch for Android apps

Prevention Level

Suspicious events and touchpoints detected by the fraud validation rules will be processed according to the set prevention levels.


Prevention Level



Level 1: Mark as fraud

- Suspicious events or touchpoints will be tagged as fraud in the Airbridge reports and raw data export files.

Level 2: Don't send postbacks

- Suspicious events or touchpoints will be tagged as fraud in the Airbridge reports and raw data export files.

- Suspicious conversions or touchpoints won't be sent as postbacks.

Level 3: Don't attribute

- Suspicious events or touchpoints will be tagged as fraud in the Airbridge reports and raw data export files.

- Suspicious events or touchpoints won't be sent as postbacks.

- Suspicious events or touchpoints won't be attributed or aggregated.

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