
Airbridge supports integration with Mixpanel. With the integration, attribution data are passed from Airbridge to Mixpanel, allowing you to leverage the attribution data to uncover in-depth insights into how users interact with your product in Mixpanel.


Pre-setup for Integration

Before enabling the integration with Mixpanel, the pre-setup described in the developer guide below must be completed.

You must add code snippets to Airbridge SDK as indicated in the developer guide. If this pre-setup is not completed, Airbridge cannot be successfully connected to Mixpanel even if you enable the integration in the Airbridge dashboard, leading to a reduced probability of successful user matching and inaccuracy in data analysis.



Get Mixpanel Credentials


Before you follow the steps listed below, the right code snippets must be added to the Airbridge SDK. If this pre-setup is not completed, Airbridge cannot be successfully connected to Mixpanel even if you enable the integration in the Airbridge dashboard. Make sure to read the Developer Guide for Mixpanel integration and complete the pre-setup first.

To enable the integration with Mixpanel, the following credentials must be submitted to Airbridge.

  • Project ID

  • Project Token

  • Data Residency

  • Service Account Username

  • Service Account’s Secret

Follow the steps below to find the credentials in Mixpanel.


1. Log in to your Mixpanel account.  

2. Click the [Settings] icon in the upper right corner, and navigate to [Organization Settings]>[Projects] to find the Project ID, Project Token, and Data Residency.


3. Select the project you want to connect with Airbridge. If you don’t want to select from existing projects, you can create a new project by clicking the “+ Create Project” button. When the “Create Project” pop-up window opens, enter the project name, select where to store your data and your timezone, and click the “Create” button.

The location you select to store your data is the “Data Residency” information and cannot be changed afterward. The project name and timezone can be changed if necessary.

4. Find the Project ID, Project Token, and the Data Residency information of the project you want to connect with Airbridge. 


5. To find the Service Account Username and the Service Account’s Secret, select the [Service Accounts] menu under the [Projects] from the left sidebar.


6. Select the service account you want to connect with Airbridge. If you don’t want to select from existing accounts, you can create a new service account by clicking the “+ Add Service Account” button. When the “Create Service Account” pop-up window opens, enter the account name, select the organizational role, project, and expiry option, and click the “Create” button.

  • Roles: The organizational role must be set to Admin or Owner. If this role is set to a different role other than Admin or Owner, the project cannot be connected to Airbridge. The project role setting, however, does not affect the connection and can be selected as you want.

  • Projects: Select the project you want to connect with Airbridge. You must have already checked the Project ID and the Project Token of the project you want to select. If the service account you create is not linked with the project you want to connect with Airbridge, the integration will fail.

  • Expiry: If you select “Never”, the service account will never expire. If you select “Specify…”, you can enter a specific expiry date. We recommend you select “Never” because when the service account expires, the integration between Airbridge and Mixpanel will also be suspended.


7. After clicking the “Create” button, you are provided with the Service Account Username and the Service Account’s Secret. The Service Account Username can be found again when you click the service account name in the Service Account list.

The Service Account’s Secret, however, will never be shown to you again once you close the pop-up window. Please save the Service Account’s Secret somewhere secure.

If you didn’t save the Service Account’s Secret before closing the window, you must contact Mixpanel Support Team or create a new service account.


Make sure to save the service account’s secret somewhere secure. Once you close the pop-up window, the service account’s secret can never be accessed again.



Enable Integration with Mixpanel

1. Log in to your Airbridge account, navigate to [Integrations]>[Third-party Integrations], and select “Mixpanel”.


2. Click the “+ Add Connection” button.


You need to activate a connection in order to enable integration between Airbridge and Mixpanel. To create a connection, you must create a connection name, provide the Mixpanel credentials, and select the events and event properties you want to send to Mixpanel. You can add several connections, but only one connection can be activated at a time. For example, if connection A is already activated, you must deactivate connection A before activating connection B.


3. Enter a name for the connection. The name of the connection must be unique. Copy the credentials from Mixpanel and paste them into the respective fields. The Project Token, Service Account Username, and the Service Account’s Secret values can be used again in a new connection even if they were provided in a previously created connection.

If the Service Account Username and the Service Account’s Secret are not correct, you can’t move to the next stage. Please make sure you copy and paste the Mixpanel credentials accurately.


4. Select the events you want to send to Mixpanel. All events are selected by default. You can check or uncheck the checkboxes to choose a set of events, or use the “Select All” and “Clear All” buttons to select or unselect all events at once.

The Airbridge standard events can be selected regardless of whether they are being tracked or not. The custom events can be selected from the ones that have already been tracked.


5. Select the properties you want to pass to Mixpanel. Use the “Select All” and “Clear All” buttons to select or unselect all events at once. The eight properties displayed in grey are sent to Mixpanel by default and cannot be unselected.

Enable cohort analysis

If you want to run a cohort analysis in Mixpanel with Airbridge data, make sure your connection sends the Install (App) events, Deeplink Open (App), Deeplink Pageview (App) events, and event properties that are updated down to the user level to Mixpanel. Refer to the event property list in the Additional Information.


6. If there are events and properties you don’t want to send, click the “+ Add Rule” button to set the data delivery rule. Setting the delivery rule is not mandatory and can be skipped.


7. Click the “+ Add Rule” button, enter a name for the delivery rule, and select the events or properties you don't want to send to Mixpanel. Select the conditions for the selected events and properties, again on a per-event or per-property basis. You can add multiple conditions for a rule. However, if you want to set different conditions for events or properties that you don't want to send, you must add two or more rules separately. The delivery rule names cannot be duplicated.

For example, if you set the delivery rules as shown in the image below, Airbridge will not send Sign-up, Sign-in, and Sign-out events that have the “example_channel_1” and “example_channel_2” properties but don’t have the “example_term_1” and “example_term_2” properties.

Event and event property options available for delivery rule setting

When adding conditions in the [Delivery Rules] setting page, the events you selected to send to Mixpanel in the [Select Events] page appear in the drop-down list box, whereas all properties are available for selection.


8. Once you have added all delivery rules, click the “Add Connection” button to finalize the connection setting. The events selected to construct the conditions of the delivery rules cannot be removed from the [Select Events] page.

9. Once the connection is added to the connection list, the status is set to “Inactive” by default. To activate the connection, click “Activate”.

10. Click the green “Activate” button to initiate the data delivery from Airbridge to Mixpanel. Once the connection is activated, the connection status will change to “Active”. 

Edit the Connection Status, Rules, and Information

Regardless of the connection status, you can click on any connection to edit the connection status, information, and rules. Please note that the editing may result in unintended data deliveries.


Change connection status

If you want to activate the connection, select the inactive connection from the connection list (as instructed in the last part of the “Enable Integration with Mixpanel” section above) and click the “Activate” button.


If you want to deactivate the connection, select the active connection from the connection list, click the “Manage” button with the tools icon, and select “Deactivate”. You must always deactivate the active connection first before activating a new connection.

If you don’t deactivate the active connection, you can’t activate a new connection as the “Activate” button is disabled. 

Configure what data to send

Event Schema

In the [Event Schema] tab, you can configure what events and event properties to send to Mixpanel. All events and event properties selected for the connection are listed on this page. You can use the search box to find events and event properties. For example, if you enter “Si” in the search box, the search result shows all events and event properties with “si” in it.


To configure what events and event properties to send to Mixpanel, click the “Configuration” button or the [Tools] icon at the right side of the property list. The events selected to construct the conditions of your delivery rules cannot be unselected.

In the [Applied Rules] tab, you can view the delivery rules per event. Click the [Tools] icon to edit the rules. If you want to add new rules, select the [Delivery Rules] tab next to the [Event Schema] tab at the top.

You can also delete a delivery rule by clicking the “Delete Rule” button.

Set delivery rules

In the [Delivery Rules] tab, you can view all delivery rules that have been added and make edits to existing rules, and add or delete rules. You can also download the rules in CSV or Google spreadsheet format.


Edit connection information

Click the [Connection Info] tab, to view details of the connection. Here you can see how many events and properties are selected to be passed to Mixpanel when the connection was created and archived, and by whom. If you want to change the connection name and integration information, click the “Edit” button.


In edit mode, you can enter a new connection name and Project ID. The Project Token, Service Account Username, and Service Account’s Secret can be selected from the values from other connections you added already.

When you select an existing value for any of the three credentials, the other two credential fields are automatically filled. For example, if you select “example_example_01” for the Project Token, the corresponding values are automatically selected for the Service Account Username and Service Account’s Secret.


Duplicate or Archive the Connection

Click the “Duplicate” button to create a new connection that is exactly the same as the existing one. If you don’t use the connection anymore, click the “Manage” button with the tools icon, and select “Archive” to archive the connection.


Duplicate connection

When you click the “Manage” button with the tools icon and select “Duplicate”, a pop-up window will appear. All information fields are pre-filled with the exact same values as the original connection except for the connection name. If you don’t make any changes, you can create a duplicated version of the original connection.


Archive connection

When you click the “Manage” button with the tools icon and select “Archive”, a pop-up window will appear to confirm your intent to archive the connection. Once archived, the connection cannot be restored and used to connect Airbridge with Mixpanel. The data already passed through this connection will remain in Mixpanel. To confirm your intent to archive the connection, enter the connection name and click the “Archive” button.

You can look up the archived connections in the [Archived Connection] tab. Click a connection to view details. The archived connections can’t be restored, but you can duplicate the connection by clicking the “Duplicate” button.


View the data in Mixpanel

Once the integration is successfully completed, you can use the attribution data tracked with Airbridge in Mixpanel. In the Mixpanel dashboard, select [Boards] from the upper menu bar and click “+ Add” or select [Reports] to create a report. 

Then, click [Events & Cohorts] to select the events and click [Filter] and [Breakdown] to select the properties passed from Airbridge to Mixpanel.

Once you complete the configuration, the selected data is visualized in charts and tables. For example, if you set the configuration as shown in the image below, you can view the number of install events performed by users in the ad group 2030 by channel.

On the [Users] page, you can view data on a per-user basis. If you set a filter as shown in the image below, you can collect and view only unattributed users. 

On the [Events] page, you can view data on a per-event basis. You can set filters to collect and view specific events. If you click the Distinct ID that generated the event, the user data for that Distinct ID appears, just like when you click a user on the [Users] page.


Additional Information

User matching

When integrating Airbridge with Mixpanel, several identifiers are used for user matching in the order listed below. To perform user matching for app data, the identifiers below are used from 1 to 4, and for web data, 2 to 4.

1. Distinct ID (device.alias.mixpanel_device_id)

2. Distinct ID (user.alias.mixpanel_device_id)

3. Airbridge Device ID (device.deviceUUID)

4. Browser Client ID (browser.clientID)

If Airbridge can't get the Distinct ID, which is Mixpanel's device ID, Airbridge sends the Airbridge Device ID (for app data) and Browser Client ID (for web data) to Mixpanel. Sending data based on identifiers other than Distinct ID reduces the probability of successful user matching between Airbridge and Mixpanel.

If a user is not matched between Airbridge and Mixpanel, Mixpanel recognizes the user as a unique user apart from your existing user data. This can overstate your Monthly Tracked User (MTU) count at Mixpanel and cause you an unexpected rise in fees.

Therefore, to avoid unexpected hikes in MTU counts, please make sure to complete the Pre-setup for Integration.

Airbridge Device ID

Airbridge Device ID is a Universally Unique ID used to identify devices. As a default, GAID for Android and IDFA for iOS are used. If GAID or IDFA is unavailable due to LAT (Limited Ad Tracking) or ATT (App Tracking Transparency), IDFV or a randomly generated value is used instead.


Meta Business ad campaign data

Attribution data of Meta Business ad campaigns shall not be transferred or shared with a third party per Meta’s Privacy Policy.

Therefore, when passing attribution data to Mixpanel, Airbridge applies data-masking to Meta Business ad campaign data that is visible in the Airbridge dashboard under the channel name “facebook.business”. The masked data is sorted as “unattributed” data in Mixpanel.


Cohort analysis

If you want to run a cohort analysis in Mixpanel with Airbridge data, make sure your connection sends the Install (App) events, Deeplink Open (App) events, Deeplink Pageview (App) events, and event properties that are updated to the user level to Mixpanel. The properties can be viewed under [user properties] when setting [Filter] and [Breakdown] in Mixpanel.


Below is the list of properties that are updated down to the user level.






The channel where users engaged with your ad and conversions were generated


The campaign users engaged with and generated conversions

Ad Group

The ad group where users engaged with your ad and conversions were generated

Ad Creative

The ad creative that users engaged with and generated conversions


The type of content that users engaged with and generated conversions


The target keyword used for keyword search advertising

Sub Publisher

The sub-publisher where users engaged with your ad and conversions were generated

Sub Sub Publisher 1

The sub-sub-publisher 1 where users engaged with your ad and conversions were generated

Sub Sub Publisher 2

The sub-sub-publisher 2 where users engaged with your ad and conversions were generated

Sub Sub Publisher 3

The sub-sub-publisher 3 where users engaged with your ad and conversions were generated

Campaign ID

The Campaign ID of the campaign that users engaged with and generated conversions

Ad Group ID

The Ad Group ID of the ad group where users engaged with your ad and conversions were generated

Ad Creative ID

The Ad Creative ID of the ad creative that users engaged with and generated conversions



User ID

The User ID of the user who interacted with your ad or converted

Hashed User ID

The hashed User ID of the user who interacted with your ad or converted

User Email

The email address of the user who interacted with your ad or converted

Hashed User Email

The hashed email address of the user who interacted with your ad or converted

User Phone

The phone number of the user who interacted with your ad or converted

Hashed User Phone

The hashed phone number of the user who interacted with your ad or converted

Custom User Properties

Custom-added user property


Number of events sent

Airbridge duplicates an event by the number of product items involved with the event and sends them to Mixpanel based on the Airbridge event taxonomy. This is because Airbridge and Mixpanel record events differently when an event is related to multiple product items with product-specific semantic attributes. Any semantic attribute with “products.$0” in the attribute name is a product-specific attribute.


Example) Event duplication scenario per product item

Under the taxonomy below, the Product ID is tracked depending on the attribute set for the Order Complete event.











Therefore, when an Order Complete event occurs where the user ordered five different product items at once, Airbridge and Mixpanel work differently in processing this information.

  • Airbridge tracks this as one single Order Complete event.

  • Mixpanel tracks this as five individual Order Complete events.

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