Airbridge supports integration with Hive Analytics. With the integration, event data is sent to Hive Analytics, allowing you to leverage the data from Airbridge for more in-depth user journey analysis in Hive Analytics.
To implement the integration with Hive Analytics, you need to configure the Hive Analytics SDK and enable automatic event tracking with Airbridge. For more information, refer to the following document from Hive Analytics.
Follow the steps below to integrate Hive Analytics with Airbridge.
Navigate to [Integration]>[Third-party Integration] in the Airbridge dashboard and select Hive Analytics.
Switch on the [Send event data] toggle. Upon switching on the toggle, Airbridge starts sending event data to Hive Analytics.
Airbridge sends all Standard Events to Hive Analytics, including attributed and unattributed events.
If you want to send Custom Events to Hive Analytics, contact your Airbridge CSM. If you don't have a dedicated CSM, contact the Airbridge Help Center.
Below is the list of Airbridge Standard Events. For the metrics that can be used to visualize the events in the Airbridge reports, refer to this list.
Name | Event Category |
App Open | app_open |
Deeplink Open | app_deeplink_open |
App Install | app_install |
Sign-up | airbridge.user.signup |
| airbridge.user.signin |
Sign-out | airbridge.user.signout |
Home Screen | airbridge.ecommerce.home.viewed |
Product Catalog | airbridge.ecommerce.productList.viewed |
Search Results | airbridge.ecommerce.searchResults.viewed |
Product View | airbridge.ecommerce.product.viewed |
Add Payment Info | airbridge.addPaymentInfo |
Add to Wishlist | airbridge.addToWishlist |
Add to Cart | airbridge.ecommerce.product.addedToCart |
Initiate Checkout | airbridge.initiateCheckout |
Order Complete | airbridge.ecommerce.order.completed |
Order Cancel | airbridge.ecommerce.order.canceled |
Start Trial | airbridge.startTrial |
Subscribe | airbridge.subscribe |
Unsubscribe | airbridge.unsubscribe |
Ad Impression | airbridge.adImpression |
Ad Click | airbridge.adClick |
Complete Tutorial | airbridge.completeTutorial |
Achieve Level | airbridge.achieveLevel |
Unlock Achievement | airbridge.unlockAchievement |
Rate | airbridge.rate |
Share | airbridge.share |
Schedule | airbridge.schedule |
Spend Credits | airbridge.spendCredits |
See below for the data field details of the event data sent to Hive Analytics.
Field | Type | Description | Example |
Event Category | String | The name of the event | Install (App) |
Event Action | String | First-level event attribute | Korea |
Event Label | String | Second-level event attributed | Seoul |
Event Value | Float | The event value collected in the set Airbridge Standard Currency | 89 |
이름 | Type | Description | Example |
Event Datetime GMT | String | The date and time the event occurred in GMT/UTC | 2024-08-07T02:12:53Z |
Field | Type | Description | Example |
Event Source | String | The source of an event | App |
Event Type | String | Event type | In App Event |
Event ID | String | Unique event ID assigned by the Airbridge SDK | 9b4b3e4e-2162-4ae6- |
Is First Event per User ID | Boolean | Shows whether an event is first or recurring based on user ID | true |
Is First Event per User ID By | String | Shows what determined whether an event is first or recurring based on user ID | airbridge |
Is First Event per User ID By Airbridge | Boolean | Shows whether an event is first or recurring based on Airbridge user ID | true |
Is First Event per Device ID | Boolean | Shows whether an event is first or recurring based on Airbridge device ID | true |
Field | Type | Description | Example |
Channel | String | Channel that generated touchpoints and conversions | moloco |
Campaign | String | Campaign that generated touchpoints and conversions (The campaign parameters can be (a) inserted in the publisher dashboard or (b) manually inserted in the tracking link.) | 2018_summer_campaign |
Ad Group | String | Ad Group that generated touchpoints and conversions (The ad group parameters can be (a) inserted in the publisher dashboard or (b) manually inserted in the tracking link.) | 2030_age |
Ad Creative | String | Ad Creative that generated touchpoints and conversions (The ad creative parameters can be (a) inserted in the publisher dashboard or (b) manually inserted in the tracking link.) | jeans |
Content | String | Content that generated touchpoints and conversions (The content parameters can be (a) inserted in the SAN publisher dashboard or (b) manually inserted in the tracking link.) e.g. Ad copy, slogan, promotion name | video |
Term | String | Term that generated touchpoints and conversions, and also refers to ad search keyword. (The term parameters can be (a) inserted in the SAN publisher dashboard or (b) manually inserted in the tracking link.) | blackjeans |
Sub Publisher | String | Sub publisher that generated touchpoints and conversions (The parameter used by publishers for identifying sub-publishers are provided.) | 23454 |
Sub Sub Publisher 1 | String | Level 1 publisher below Sub Publisher that generated touchpoints and conversions (The parameter used by publishers for identifying sub-publishers are provided.) | source123 |
Sub Sub Publisher 2 | String | Level 2 publisher below Sub Publisher that generated touchpoints and conversions (The parameter used by publishers for identifying sub-publishers are provided.) | site123 |
Sub Sub Publisher 3 | String | Level 3 publisher below Sub Publisher that generated touchpoints and conversions (The parameter used by publishers for identifying sub-publishers are provided.) | endpulbisher123 |
Channel Type | String | Channel type that generated touchpoints and conversions | Integration Channel |
Campaign ID | String | Unique ID for a campaign parameter value that was generated from SAN | 1234567890 |
Ad Group ID | String | Unique ID for Ad Group parameter value that was generated from SAN | 1234567890 |
Ad Creative ID | String | Unique ID for Ad Creative parameter value that was generated from SAN | 1234567890 |
Touchpoint Generation Type | String | Shows how the touchpoint was collected | Self-attributing Network |
Touchpoint Event Category | String | The event category of the touchpoint | Move to Google Play (Link) |
Touchpoint Interaction Type | String | Touchpoint type | Click |
Touchpoint URL | String | The tracking link that collected the winning touchpoint | |
Touchpoint Timestamp | Integer | A 13-digit number representing the time the touchpoint, measured in milliseconds | 1525317493078 |
Touchpoint Identity Matching Type | String | User matching method of the touchpoint | probabilistic |
Is View-through | Boolean | Shows whether the Airbridge user chose to track impressions or clicks | true |
Is Re-engagement | Boolean | Shows whether the campaign is for the re-engagement campaign or not. | true |
Field | Type | Description | Example |
Touchpoint Fraud Tag | String | Type of ad fraud suspected regarding the touchpoint | Fraud_Touchpoint_ClickShortLagTime |
Conversion Fraud Tag | String | Type of ad fraud suspected regarding the conversion | Fraud_Conversion_DeviceTimezone |
Target Event Fraud Tag | String | Type of ad fraud suspected regarding the Target Event that led to subsequent events (only subsequent events provided) | Fraud_Conversion_DeviceTimezone |
Field | Type | Description | Example |
User ID | String | The user ID of the service | 12345 |
Field | Type | Description | Example |
Airbridge Device ID | String | Airbridge device ID | 2dfca632-86f3-4d22- |
Airbridge Device ID Type | String | Identifiers used as the Airbridge device ID | GAID |
GAID | String | Ad ID by Google | 2dfca632-86f3-4d22- |
App Set ID | String | App ID or developer account ID by Google | 7c4681ef-97c6-4ebd- |
IDFA | String | Ad ID by Apple | 542177F1-5C23-438B- |
IFV | String | Vender ID by Apple | 37EEC3E0-BF15-412E- |
OAID | String | Ad ID used by third-party app stores other than Google Play Store | C2D76AEE-DD75-496E- |
OAID Limit Ad Tracking | Boolean | Whether the use of OAID for ad tracking has been restricted | false |
Limit Ad Tracking | Boolean | Whether the collection of personal information and tracking of user activities on the device has been restricted | false |
App Tracking Transparency (ATT) | String | User response on the collection of personal information and tracking of user activities in the iOS ATT prompt | Not Determined |
Device Model | String | Device model name | SM-N986N |
Device Type | String | Device type | mobile |
Platform | String | Platform | Android |
Device Identifier | String | iPhone device identifier | iPhone11,2 |
Manufacturer | String | Device manufacturer | samsung |
OS Name | String | OS name of the device | Android |
OS Version | String | OS version of the device | 12 |
OS Full String | String | OS name and version of the device | Android12 |
Locale | String | The language and country information of the device | ko-KR |
Language | String | The language code of the device | ko |
Country | String | The country code of the device | kr |
Timezone | String | The time zone of the device | Asia/Seoul |
Private IP | String | The private IP of the device | |
Client IP | String | IP address of the device | |
Client IP Country | String | Country based on device IP address | South Korea |
Client IP Country Code | String | Country ISO code based on device IP address | KR |
Client IP Subdivision | String | Region 1 based on device IP address (Broad) | Seoul |
Client IP City | String | Region 2 based on device IP address (Narrow) | Gangnam-gu |
Client IP Cloud Provider | String | Cloud service provider based on device IP address | AWS |
Client IP Cloud Provider Service | String | Cloud service based on device IP address | CLOUDFRONT (ap-northeast-1) |
Orientation | String | Device screen orientation | portrait |
Field | Type | Description |
did | Integer | The ID included in the collected device alias |
appId | String | The appId included in the collected device alias |
analyticsId | String | The analyticsId included in the collected device alias |
hiveCountry | String | The hiveCountry included in the collected device alias |
serverId | String | The serverId included in the collected device alias |
Field | Type | Description | Example |
Airbridge App Name | String | The app name registered with Airbridge | myapp |
Field | Type | Description | Example |
Currency | String | The Airbridge Standard Currency configured in Airbridge | KRW |
Currency (Original) | String | Currency of the raw data | USD |
Product ID | String | The product ID of the first product in the product list | 30372425 |
Product Name | String | The name of the first product in the product list | The Shoes |
Product Price | Float | The price of the first product in the product list | 1000 |
Product Quantity | Integer | The quantity of the first product in the product list | 1 |
Product Currency | String | The currency of the first product price in the product list | KRW |
Product Position | Integer | The location of the first product in the product list | 1 |
Product Category ID | String | The category ID of the first product in the product list | 30372425 |
Product Category Name | String | The category name of the first product in the product list | Fashion > Shoes |
Product Brand ID | String | The brand ID of the first product in the product list | 4499 |
Product Brand Name | String | The brand name of the first product in the product list | MyBrand |
Period | String | Period based on ISO-8601 | P1Y |
Is Renewal Event | Boolean | Shows whether the event is a renewal or not | true |
Renewal Count | Integer | Renewal Count | 2 |
Product List ID | String | Product list ID | list-id-1 |
Cart ID | String | Cart ID | cart-id-1 |
Transaction ID | String | Transaction ID | 12939172 |
Transaction Type | String | Pre-set transaction type | cancel |
Transaction Paired Event Category | String | The event category of the event related to transaction | airbridge.ecommerce |
Transaction Paired Event Timestamp | Integer | 밀리초(ms) 기준 거래 관련 이벤트가 발생한 시간을 나타내는 13자리 숫자 | 1599184266332 |
Total Quantity | Integer | Total quantity | 5 |
Search Query | String | Search result of user | mybrand |
In App Purchased | Boolean | Shows whether it is an in-app purchase | true |
Contribution Margin | Float | Contribution margin in the set Airbridge Standard Currency. The amount excluding variable costs from the purchase amount. | 10000 |
Contribution Margin (Original) | Float | Contribution margin in the raw data currency. The amount excluding variable costs from the purchase amount. | 10000 |
List ID | String | List ID | 39420 |
Rate ID | String | Rate ID | 12939172 |
Rate | float | Rate | 3 |
Max Rate | float | Max Rate | 5.0 |
Achievement ID | String | Achievement ID | 12939172 |
Shared Channel | String | The channel the content was shared | |
Date Time | String | Date and time based on ISO-8601 | 2022-08-11T01:31:07+00:00 |
Description | String | Description | summer promotion |
Is Revenue Event | Boolean | Shows whether the event is a Revenue Event | true |
Place | String | Name of place | Starbucks |
Schedule ID | String | Schedule ID | 1234 |
Type | String | Type | Credit Card |
Level | String | Level | 4 |
Score | Float | Score | 590 |
Is First Event per User ID By Client | Boolean | Shows whether the event is a first or recurring event | true |
Field | Type | Description | Example |
Custom Event Properties | A pair consisting of a name and a value | Custom event property defined by the Airbridge user | {"personalColor": "red"} |
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