Channel Integration - Meta Ads

Track and measure your Meta ads and send postbacks to Meta for campaign optimization.

Integration Setup

The Facebook MMP Integration consists of 2 steps: providing the Facebook App ID to Airbridge and setting up the in-app event postback.

  • Facebook App ID: The Facebook App ID is required to measure the app performance of your Meta ads by allowing Airbridge to receive the last touchpoint of the converted event attributed to Facebook Ads.

  • In-app event postback setup: The in-app event postback lets you forward Airbridge in-app events to a registered Facebook app, use them to optimize your Facebook campaigns, or create a lookalike audience for your retargeting campaigns.

Providing the Facebook App ID to Airbridge is required for the MMP integration, but the postback setup is optional.


Facebook MMP integration can be conducted without Facebook SDK integration. However, the deferred deep linking only works with Facebook SDK integration.

Deferred deep linking is available for Android apps or iOS apps with versions earlier than 14.5. Due to the ATT(App Tracking Transparency) privacy guidelines, deferred deep linking won't work on iOS versions 14.5 and later, regardless of the Facebook SDK integration or the ATT state of the user.

How to provide the App ID and the decryption key

The Facebook App ID is required for the integration, whereas the Install Referrer Decryption Key is optional. By providing the Install Referrer Decryption Key to Airbridge, you can implement the Google Play Install Referrer (GPIR) and the Meta install referrer (MIR) to gain enhanced visibility into your meta campaign performance.

1. Navigate to [Integrations]>[Ad Channel Integration]>[Facebook Business]>[Integration]. Switch on the [Facebook MMP integration] toggle.

2. Sign in to your Meta for Developers account and find your app. Copy the App ID.

3. Paste the App ID into the Facebook App ID field in Airbridge. Once the App ID is submitted, you can measure your meta ad campaigns in Airbridge.

4. Providing the Install Referrer Decryption Key is optional. Refer to this article to learn about the Install Referrer.


To collect the Meta install referrer data, the Airbridge Android SDK must be properly configured by your developer before entering the decryption key.


In-app event postback setup

With the postback setup, you can send in-app events tracked by Airbridge to Meta and leverage Airbridge data to optimize your Meta campaigns and create audiences for retargeting campaigns.

You can find the events sent via postback on the Facebook Event Manager page.


The in-app event postback setting allows the Airbridge SDK to send in-app events to Facebook without implementing Facebook SDK. If you have already set up app event tracking in your Facebook SDK, this may duplicate your event data on Facebook.

Please check out this article for more details.


Enabling in-app event postback

Switch on the [In-app event postback] toggle on the in-app event postback setting page.


The Facebook MMP Integration toggle must be switched on, and the Facebook App ID must be provided before setting up the in-app event postback.


To disable the postback, switch off the toggle. When the toggle is switched off, Airbridge stops sending data to Facebook.


Note that disabling the postback may impact your Meta ad campaign optimization.


Event mapping

Airbridge events you send via postbacks must be mapped with Meta ad events. Airbridge provides a pre-set mapping list.


When the MMP Integration toggle is switched on and the Facebook App ID is provided to Airbridge, the following data is automatically sent to Meta ads. This is not a configurable option. The event names in the parenthesis are the Meta ad event names.

  • Install (Install App)

  • Deeplink Open (Activate App)

  • Deeplink Pageview (abr_deeplink-pageview)

Airbridge events (Preset)

Meta ads events

Open (App)

Activate App

Add To Cart (App)

Add to Cart

Sign-up (App)

Complete Registration

Product View (App)

View Content

Order Complete (App)


Search Results (App)




Sign-out (App)


Home Screen (App)


Product Catalog (App)


Order Cancel (App)



When the MMP Integration toggle is switched on and the Facebook App ID is provided to Airbridge, the following data is automatically sent to Meta ads. This is not a configurable option. The event names in the parenthesis are the Meta ad event names.

  • Install (Install App)

  • Deeplink Open (Activate App)

  • Deeplink Pageview (abr_deeplink-pageview)

You can keep the default mapping of Airbridge standard events, modify the mapping setting, or delete unnecessary event mappings. Even if you change any of the default mapping settings, you can revert to the default version by clicking the [reset] icon at any time.


Mapping to Airbridge events to Meta ads custom events

If your Airbridge events don't match with any existing Meta ads standard events, Airbridge can send these events by mapping them with Meta ads custom events.
To do so, select Airbridge standard or custom event to map and choose "Facebook Custom Event," which is located at the bottom of the Meta ads event list.

When Airbridge events are mapped to Facebook custom events, they are sent to Meta with the event name modified by the two rules below.

  1. The prefix abr_ is added to your event name to distinguish it from Airbridge events.

    (e.g., Your event name: complete_tutorial → Meta ads custom event name: abr_complete_tutorial)

  2. Meta doesn't allow a period in the event name, so any event names containing a period will be replaced with an underscore before forwarding to Meta.
    (e.g., Your event name: complete.tutorial → Meta ads custom event name: abr_complete_tutorial)


Naming rules for event mapping

Airbridge events forwarded to Meta must adhere to the Meta ads event name rules:

  1. Maximum 40 characters.

  2. Only letters, numbers, spaces, underscores, and hyphens are allowed.

Airbridge events that don't adhere to the naming rules won't be mapped properly or not sent to Facebook.

In situations where you can't follow Meta's naming rules, you may map your events to one of the unused Facebook standard events as an alternative option.

Event duplication

If you are already using in-app event tracking via Facebook SDK, duplicate events will occur. Therefore, use either of the below methods to avoid duplicate reporting on Facebook.

  1. Stop event tracking via Facebook SDK.

  2. Disable in-app event postback from the Airbridge dashboard.


Meta supports deduplication for only app installs. If you have been tracking events via the Meta SDK and Airbridge sends install events to Meta, the installs won't be duplicated.

We highly recommend that you track your app events via Airbridge SDK only, as this allows you to send them to other ad networks besides Facebook. To disable event logging via Facebook SDK, follow these steps in the Facebook App dashboard:

  1. Go to the Facebook App Dashboard, and select your app.

  2. On the left-hand menu, click [Setting]>[Basic Setting].

  3. Select the OS type, and switch off the "Log In-App Events Automatically" toggle.

To disable Automatic Event Logging in the Facebook SDK in your app code, follow these instructions below:

Aggregated Event Measurement (AEM)


User data sent to Meta may include IP Addresses. Before switching on the AEM toggle, check whether the AEM protocol does not violate any data-sharing policies of the third-party platforms you are using.

The Aggregated Event Measurement (AEM) is Meta’s protocol that allows for the measurement of web and app events from iOS 14 and later devices.

When the toggle is switched on in Airbridge, Airbridge sends user data to Meta regardless of whether a user has opted in or out for data tracking to enable Meta’s AEM for App Promotion Campaigns.

Attribution rule setup

Select the [Attribution Rules] tab to configure the attribution rules, including the lookback window and attribution window. Click Go to edit page to edit the settings.

Refer to this article to learn about the attribution window in Airbridge.

How to View Meta Ads Campaign Data in Airbridge

Meta provides different data sets for different campaigns. The scope of data available is subject to change depending on Meta’s data policy. Refer to the following.


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