Data Discrepancies between Google Ads and Airbridge

Data discrepancies may occur between Google Ads and Airbridge due to varying reasons. Read on to learn the primary causes of the discrepancy. For more details, refer to the Google Ads Guide.


Make sure the channel integration with Airbridge is completed before checking up on the causes of data discrepancy.

Differences in the Attribution Model

Google Ads and Airbridge operate on different attribution models, which leads to discrepancies in the attribution data.

Differences in Aggregating Data

Google Ads and Airbridge operate on different rules when aggregating data, which leads to discrepancies in the attribution data.

Differences in Fraud Validation Rules

Google Ads and Airbridge operate on different sets of fraud validation rules, which can lead to data discrepancies. When Google Ads identifies ad fraud based on its internal validation rules, the fraudulent traffic is removed and not included in the attribution data.

Airbridge identifies ad fraud based on the fraud validation rules you configure in your Airbridge dashboard. The fraudulent conversions and touchpoints are processed according to the prevention level you set - they can be marked as fraud but still attributed or not attributed at all.

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