FAQ - Airbridge Reports Overview

Jeongwon KimWritten by Jeongwon Kim,


Q. Is Install(App) data collected automatically once the app is installed? 

Yes, as long as Airbridge SDK is installed properly, Install (App) can be tracked automatically. Note that in Airbridge, Install(App) event is recorded after the user downloads and launches the app. So if a user installs an app but does not open the app, Install(App) event will not be recorded. 


Q. What's the difference between 'Is First Event per Device ID' and 'Is First Event per User ID'?

Is First Event per Device ID: The first event is acknowledged based on 'Device ID'. This property is only available for App events.  

Is First Event per User ID: The first event is acknowledged based on 'User ID'. This property is available for both Web and App events. Please note that this property is not platform-unique. Should any first event occurs from whichever platform, only the first platform would be counted. Please refer to the table below. 


Q. What channel is the '$$default$$' ? 

$$default$$ channel is recorded when a tracking link with no {channel} value is clicked. In Airbridge Dashboard, 'Channel' must be included when creating a tracking link. Hence, this occurs when tracking link was created dynamically, not from the dashboard. 


Tracking Link Template: https://abr.ge/@{AppName}/{Channel}?{Campaign_Parameter}

Tracking  Link with no 'Channel' value: https://abr.ge/@airbridge_demo?campaign=abc

  • Channel: $$default$$

  • campaign: abc


Q. The number of Install events in Retention Report doesn't match with the number in Actuals. What makes the difference? 

The number of install events in these two reports might not be the same depending on whether the duplicate install event is counted or not.

Retention rate is calculated based on unique 'ADID' in a set period as it provides an insight into how long the specific 'ADID' engaged with your app ever since the installation. Thus, the Retention Report excludes 'duplicate installation' during a set period which results in a lesser number than what is shown in Actual report. 


Q. What is the exact definition of each install metric? 

  • Installs (App)

    • An install event is recorded after the user downloads AND launches the app.

    • Installs = First Installs + Re-installs OR Installs = Attributed Installs + Unattributed Installs

  • First Installs (App)

    • First Installs(App) is recorded based on ADID after Airbridge SDK is installed.

    • Note) Once the ADID is registered to Airbridge SDK, the same ADID wouldn't be counted as First Install(App) even though a user deletes and re-installs the app. 

    • Note) If a user resets ADID from their own device and then tries to reinstall the app, the ADID would be counted as First Install(App) as Airbridge SDK does not have that specific ADID. 

  • Re-installs (App)

    • Re-installs(App) is recorded when the user attempts to install the app with the ADID already recorded in the Airbridge SDK.

  • Attributed Installs (App)

    • The number of Installs that were attributed to either Integrated Channel or Custom Channel.

    • Note) If you'd like to check the number of installs with no valid touchpoints such as organic(unattributed) or touchpoints out of attribution window, you can check from 'Unattributed Installs' metric.

    • Note) For UTM parsing tracking, it also belongs to attributed installs. 

  • Deferred Deeplink Installs (App)

    • Deferred Deeplink routes users to in-app content even though the app is not installed. The tracking link will redirect users to the app market first to download the app and send the users to the in-app page right after the first launch. In this case, the install will be recorded as Deferred Deeplink installs(App). 

Q. The data had increased from yesterday's data. What's causing this difference? When can I confirm the final data? 

When checking the data from Actuals Report, you may observe an increase from the previous day's figure. For example, if you checked January 5th installation figures on January 6th, there were 100 installs, but on the afternoon of January 7th, the number increased to 110.

While Airbridge collects and measures the events in real-time, there are a few cases that the events sent to the Airbridge server later than supposed to be. Below are a few reasons that possibly cause this issue.

  1. Unstable network condition in end-user level

  2. If a user closes down the app before the event was sent to the Airbridge server.

As for such cases that are sent to the Airbridge server later than the actual event occurrence time, Airbridge goes through two-level computations to prevent data omission and accurately measure attributions; the first level as real-time aggregation and the second level as adding up the events that occurred within 24 hours from the time of inquiry in the Actuals Report.

In other words, through these two-level computations, some data might be finally available in a couple of days.

The data processing runs every morning at KST 06:00(equivalent to UTC 21:00) for the data of the previous day, hence the data of 2 days ago from the time of inquiry reflects the final data.


Q. What's the difference between 'google.adwords' and 'google' channel?

  • 'google.adwords'

    : The paid ad channel. When operating Google Ads via LINK ID or Tracking Link, the attribution belongs to the channel 'google.adwords'. 

  • 'google': There are two scenarios. 1. If tracking link was created via custom channel for 'google' channel 2. If a user searches the app in Google and downloads (flow: google search → app download from the search result page → redirected to google play store → app installation), the Google Referrer will include the following information. utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_term=SearchKeyword In this case, Airbridge will create a virtual touchpoint based on UTM Parameter in Google Referrer. If this virtual touchpoint takes the credit for app installation, the statistics will be recorded as followings.

    • Channel: google

    • Sub Publisher: organic

    • Term: Google search keyword

⚠️  If a user installed your app from Google Play Store without any referrer, Airbridge records it as unattributed, whereas Google Referrer records it as utm_source=google-play&utm_medium=organic. This could lead to data discrepancies between Airbridge reports and the Google Ads dashboard.


Active Users

Q. What criteria is used when counting Active User? Does it include Web data as well? 

Active users are counted based on Airbridge Device UUID, and currently Web data is not included. 


Q. The DAU and MAU has a different figure for the same period.  

DAU and MAU have a different definition of measuring a unique user. For example, if 'A' user logged in every day for 30 days, the sum of DAU will be calculated by a unique visit per day which results in 1 visit X 30 days = 30. On the other hand, the sum of MAU is calculated by a unique visit per month which results in 1 visit X 1 month = 1. Hence, these two metrics will have a different figure.


Q. The data does not match after adding Groupby into the report. 

If you groupby 'Channel' in Active Users Report, Airbridge will calculate the unique users per each channel. This will lead the sum of each channel's figure will bigger than the data without groupby. 

For example, if there was a user attributed to both Google and Naver, the total unique count would be 1, but if you groupby it to 'Channel', Google and Naver would have 1 count respectively which makes the total to be 2. 

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