Active Users

Active Users report allows you to understand DAU / WAU / MAU / ARPU / ARPPU at a glance. 


  • Active Users*: Users that generated an event via SDK at least once during the designated period.

  • Paying Users*: Users that have a purchase history during the designated period.

  • Revenue: If you select 'revenue' as a metric in Actuals report, the same value would be displayed.

  • ARPU: ARPU refers to 'Average Revenue Per User'. ARPU is calculated by dividing total revenue by the number of Active users. This indicates the average revenue compared to all users who have installed the app.

  • ARPPU: ARPPU refers to 'Average Revenue Per Paying User'. ARPPU is calculated by dividing total revenue by the number of paying users. This indicates the average revenue compared to all paying users.




You can select the reporting interval based on Daily(DAU), Weekly(WAU), and Monthly(MAU). 


You can select and view the metrics you would like.

The display of the metrics can be hidden or displayed without opening the settings window. Simply hover over and click the metric as shown above.


If you add GroupBy option, you can view DAU, ARPU, and ARPPU along with added GroupBy filter.

For example, the above screenshot has 'Channel' as a grouping, metrics are shown for each corresponding channel.


If there are specific data you would like to view, you can add filters to refine your report.

Other Features


You can download the report via PNG file, CSV file or export it to Google Sheets.
(It may take a while depending on the amount of data. )

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