PC Game Measurement

PC game advertising incorporates various campaign strategies across different platforms. Airbridge ensures cross-platform advertising measurement on mobile devices, the web, and PCs to provide you with comprehensive insight into your PC game's growth.


This feature is currently in beta. If you have any questions or suggestions for improvements, reach out to your Airbridge CSM. If you don't have a dedicated CSM, contact us through the Airbridge Help Center.

PC Game Measurement

We recommend using a landing page for PC game measurement. In particular, a landing page is essential for measuring the Google Ads campaigns for PC games.

Cross-platform measurement is required to measure the effectiveness of PC game ads, as user engagement with the ads can occur across various platforms beyond the PC or console where the game is played. Airbridge supports data collection across mobile devices, the web, and PCs.

For PC game measurement, data from mobile devices, the web, and PC games must be collected and sent to Airbridge. The data collected from websites can be sent to Airbridge through the Airbridge SDK, and the data collected from the PC games can be sent to Airbridge through API.



A landing page is essential for measuring Google Ads campaigns for PC games. Refer to the prerequisites to prepare a landing page and install the Airbridge web SDK.

The following pre-setup must be complete to continue.

Sending PC game events to Airbridge

The in-game events collected from the PC game shall be sent to Airbridge via the S2S event API.

S2S event API configuration

Refer to the information below and send the PC game events via the S2S event API. For more details on the S2S event API, refer to this . Make sure to send the game events to the in-app event endpoints and not to the in-web event endpoints.

Send in-game events to Airbridge

Send the PC Game Install or the PC Game Open events before sending the in-game events to Airbridge. The attribution result of the in-game events sent afterward will vary depending on the event first sent.

Enabling Airbridge's reactivation tracking feature can measure the users who return to your game after a certain period of time. Refer to this articleto find out more.


User type


Send first



New users or users with no tracking records in Airbridge

PC Game Install

This is a , triggering attribution.

Attribution is performed following the configured attribution rule.

Existing users or users with tracking records in Airbridge

PC Game Open

This is not a Target Event, and attribution is not triggered.
It will be included in the prior attribution result or classified as unattributed.

S2S event API sending examples

Refer to the examples below for sending PC game events via the S2S event API.


Check the items below to make sure the PC game measurement is successfully set up.




What to test




Make sure that the PC game installs and in-game events are attributed to the intended ad channel after clicking the tracking link.

Check the attribution result of the PC game installs and in-game events you confirmed on the [Raw Data]>[App Real-time Logs] page in the Airbridge dashboard.

Make sure the IPs that have generated in-game events are sent with the X-Forwarded-For header.

API configuration

Make sure the events are collected according to the API configuration. The API configuration can be tested by sending events without the X-Forwarded-For header.

Check the API configuration again.

For PC game measurement, data from mobile devices, the web, and PC games must be collected and sent to Airbridge. The data collected from tracking links can be sent to Airbridge through the Airbridge SDK, and the data collected from the PC games can be sent to Airbridge through API.



If you want to measure the Google Ads campaigns for your PC game, you must use a landing page for the setup. Refer to this section of the article.

The following pre-setup must be complete to continue.

Sending PC game events to Airbridge

The in-game events collected from the PC game shall be sent to Airbridge via the S2S event API. Refer to this section of the article.


Check the items below to make sure the PC game measurement is successfully set up.




What to test




Make sure that the PC game installs and in-game events are attributed to the intended ad channel after clicking the tracking link.

Check the attribution result of the PC game installs and in-game events you confirmed on the [Raw Data]>[App Real-time Logs] page in the Airbridge dashboard.

Make sure the IPs that have generated in-game events are sent with the X-Forwarded-For header.

API configuration

Make sure the events are collected according to the API configuration. The API configuration can be tested by sending events without the X-Forwarded-For header.

Check the API configuration again.


The PC game measurement results can be viewed in the Airbridge report by selecting the game events as the report metric. The game events will be recorded as app events, with “(App)” appended to the metric name.

The PC game events are defined by the information sent via the eventData.goal parameter. You can create a customized report view using the information sent via the eventData.goal parameters to fit your marketing needs.

Explore the wide range of report types and features offered by Airbridge.


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