Lag Time Report

About the Lag Time Report

The Lag Time Report allows you to analyze the time distribution between the attributed touchpoint to the initial app launch. This report is most useful for monitoring fraudulent activity as it points out suspicious anomalies as click injection and click spamming.



The Lag Time Report is made up of two main sections: a graph to check the time distribution and a table that dives deeper into data granularity.


You can customize the data to be shown in the table view through [Configuration] on the upper left corner. The date of the time period for analysis can also be customized using the data selector. 


Reading the Time Distribution Graph

Hover over each bar on the graph to check the number and percentage of installs that occurred during the selected time period. You can select or exclude channels on the right side of the graph.


The time intervals are divided into 5 seconds by default with the ability to change the interval to 5 seconds / 1 minute / 1 hour / 1 day in the interval drop-down menu. You can also adjust the section bar to view more detailed data in a specific section of the graph.


Lag Time Benchmark

When studying the anomalies, you may compare the graph with other channels. A common practice is to refer to the lag time data of Google Play as a benchmark.

 You can refer to the benchmark to judge the anomalies based on the lag time of minimum/mode/ median between the install button click in the Google Play Store to the first app launch.

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