Creating a Funnel Report

To access your Funnel Report, log in to your Airbridge account and navigate to [Reports]>[Funnel] in the left sidebar.


Configuring a Report View

Create a Funnel Report by specifying a cohort and defining your funnel steps. Create your funnel with the steps that align with the user journey you want to analyze.

The following settings are required to view the Funnel Report. The Funnel Report tracks users who enter the funnel and convert through the funnel until the final step.



Is it required?


The basis for determining unique users. The attribution results may differ depending on which identifier is selected.



A defined user group you want to analyze in the report. If not specified, all user data will be used for the funnel analysis.


Funnel Entrance

The date range for users to enter the funnel. Users who have not completed Step 1 during this timeframe will not be tracked further through the funnel.



Events you choose to analyze in the report. Add event property filters to further specify the steps.


Conversion Window

The timeframe for tracking the behavior of users who have entered the funnel. Only the Steps that have been completed within this timeframe will be tracked.



Options to set how to view the user data in the report.




Select between “Device” and “User” and decide which identifier to use to determine unique users in your Funnel Report.

For more information about the identifiers supported in Airbridge, refer to this article.

Best practices for identifier selection

When selecting the identifier, consider the nature of the user journey you want to reconstruct.

  • If the user journey consists of only app events or web events, select the identifier you see fit.

  • If the user journey includes both app and web events, it is advised to select "User.”


Configuring a cohort in the Funnel Report allows you to analyze the user behavior of a specific user segment. The cohort configuration is optional. Click Add to configure a cohort.

Read on to learn how to set up a cohort by configuring condition clauses.



The steps are the events you want to analyze in your Funnel Report. You can select any Airbridge Event as a step. You must set at least 2 steps to create a report; the maximum number of steps you can set is 10.

Adding event property filters

Click the [filter] icon next to the event you selected as a step to add event property filters. By adding event property filters, you can further specify the step based on the properties collected along with the event.

Up to 3 event property filters can be added. When multiple properties are added, events that meet all filters define the step. The event property filters are optional.

Refer to the following examples.

Configuring the order of steps

The Funnel Report shows you how many users converted from one step to the next. The analysis result is not influenced by any events outside the funnel that users may have performed in between the funnel steps. However, the order of the steps influences the analysis results.


Funnel entrance date range and conversion window

The funnel entrance date range is the date range for users to enter the funnel. Only users who complete the first step within the set timeframe enter the funnel and are further tracked. The conversion window is the timeframe for tracking the behavior of users who enter the funnel. Events performed outside the conversion window are not tracked.

  • Funnel entrance date range: From Jan 2 to Jan 4

  • Conversion window: 1 day (24 hours)

Only users who completed Step 1 between Jan 2 to Jan 4 enter the funnel and are further tracked for the next 1 day (24 hours). If a user completed Step 1 at 3:00 PM on Jan 2, this user's behavior will be tracked until 3:00 PM on Jan 3. Any events performed after 3:00 PM on Jan 3, will not be tracked.


Setting the date range

Use the date operator to set the funnel entrance date range, which is limited to the data retention period. You can select up to 175 days.

Date Operator


Date Range


Start date, end date

From start date to end date


Start date

From start date to today


Number (N)

From the past N days until the day before today

When selecting “Last”, you can check the “Include Today” checkbox to include the current date in the analysis period. When you click “+ Offset” and enter a number, there will be a buffer of N days between the last day of the analysis period and the current date.

For the conversion window, you can either choose from 1, 7, 30, 60, 90, and 175 days or type in any number between 1 and 175. For example, if you choose 7 days, the conversion window of the Funnel Report will be 7 days.



GroupBy options are used to group users. GroupBys are applied to your user cohort. Using GroupBys, you can compare different groups within the same cohort at a glance.

For example, if you select “Country” as a GroupBy, your users will be grouped by countries. Understanding at which step users of different countries tend to drop off will help you adjust your global marketing strategies.


GroupBy setup

Click Add next to [GroupBy] to select a GroupBy in the configuration box. Up to 3 GroupBys can be selected. GroupBys are optional.



Understanding the Funnel Report

The Funnel Report provides the analysis result in charts and tables. You can download the results as a CSV file. You can also save your funnel report settings to revisit the same report whenever needed.

The below table shows what you can see from the chat and table in the Funnel Report.



- Total Conversion (No. of Users)
- Total Conversion Rate (%)
- Conversion Rate from Previous Step (%)
- Drop-off Rate from Previous Step (%)
- Drop-offs (No. of users)

- Total Conversion (No. of Users)
- Total Conversion Rate (%)
- Average Time to Convert per Step
- Average Time to Convert Through the Funnel



The bar chart in the Funnel Report shows the different conversion rates for each step at a glance.

The numbers you can see at the top of the bars are the total conversion rate and the number of users who completed each step. The final conversion rate and the number of users who converted through the funnel can be found in the upper left corner of the chart.

When you look at the below example, the number above the second bar, “51.03%”, means that the percentage of users who completed the second step was 51.03% of those who completed Step 1. The number “743” means that 743 users completed Step 2. In the upper left corner of the chart, you can see that the final conversion rate is 0.55% and that 8 users converted through the funnel from the first to the last step.

By hovering your mouse pointer over each bar, you can see a box with the number of converted users, the percentage of users converted from Step 1, and the percentage of users converted from the previous step. When you hover your mouse pointer over the grey part of each bar, you can view the percentage and number of users who dropped off per Step.

If you select a GroupBy, you will see several bars representing each GroupBy group. Bars of the same color represent the same group. When you hover your mouse pointer over a bar, the bars of the same color will be highlighted.

You can remove the bars of a particular GroupBy group from the chart by clicking on a GroupBy group in the legend. The bars representing the particular group return to the chart when you click on it again.



The table provides the following information.

  • Total Conversion: The overall conversion rate and the number of users who converted through the funnel.

  • Average Time →: The average time it took users to convert from the previous Step to the selected Step.

  • Average Time for Total Conversion: The average time it took users to convert through the funnel.

For example, if the Average Step Time for Step 2 is 9h 5m 10s, it means that it took the users 9h 5m 10s on average to convert from Step 1 to Step 2. If the Average Conversion Time is 12h 21m 57s, it means that it took the users 12h 21m 57s on average to convert through the funnel from the first step to the last.


Saving your report

Save your report and open it whenever you need it. The saved reports can be used to easily share reports with Airbridge users with the app roles that allow them to view the reports.

Supported features

Airbridge reports support various features, from saving reports to sharing them with others.


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