Data Collection Methods

Airbridge draws upon an extensive set of data to help you measure ad performance. This dataset primarily consists of three types of information: touchpoints, conversions, and identifiers.

Read on to learn how Airbridge collects touchpoint and conversion data. For more details on the identifiers, refer to this article.

Reconstructing the User Journey

Airbridge collects touchpoint and conversion data, ideally associated with the same device identifier, to reconstruct the user journey. Then, it uses the information to determine the winning touchpoint.

Collecting touchpoint data

Airbridge uses various methods to collect touchpoint data from ad channels, including self-attributing networks (SANs) such as Meta Business and Google Ads. As shown in the table below, the reporting method varies depending on the data source.



Tracking Links




Airbridge Web SDK

Data Collector




Data Source

Integrated Channels except for SANs; Custom Channels


Your website

Reporting Process

Touchpoint data from ad channels is sent to the Airbridge server.

When notified of a Target Event by Airbridge, SANs report back details of any relevant clicks or impressions via API.

Touchpoint data from your website is sent to the Airbridge server.


Use Airbridge to create tracking links for both Integrated and Custom Channels

Activate the SAN integration with Airbridge

Integrate the Airbridge Web SDK to your website

Airbridge also parses UTM parameters and maps query string parameters to URLs to collect touchpoint data. These make it easier for you to migrate tracking links created via platforms other than Airbridge.

Collecting conversion data

Airbridge uses various methods to collect conversion data from your app and website. As shown in the table below, the reporting method varies depending on the data source.



Airbridge App SDK


Airbridge Web SDK


Server-to-Server Event API

Data Collector



Your app and/or web server

Data Source

Your Airbridge-integrated app

Your Airbridge-integrated website

Your Event API-enabled app and/or website

Collected Event

In-app events

In-web events

Events difficult to collect in the app or on the web (e.g., subscription renewal)

Used in Airbridge for

Mobile app attribution (as Target Events and Subsequent Events)

Web attribution

Mobile app and web attribution


Integrate the Airbridge App SDK to your app

Integrate the Airbridge Web SDK to your website

Configure events to be tracked and recorded

For more details on the events you can measure with Airbridge, refer to this article.

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