Data Export

Airbridge's data export feature allows you to select and extract raw data from your marketing campaigns into a .csv file. Begin exporting via [Raw Data > Data Export]. Raw Data Export is available for App and Web in a separate section.


Request for Data Export

By clicking [ Export Raw Data ] on the upper left corner, you can select the required values to export.


Select Event

In [ Select Event ] step, select the events you'd like to extract as raw data. There are two types of events; Standard Event and Custom Event. You may choose individual events or click an event category to select or deselect all events at once.

You MUST select at least 1 event in order to proceed to the next step.


Select Property

In [ Select Property ], choose various event property data. Selected properties will be assigned to each column in the .csv file. Supported property list and its descriptions are available in 'Airbridge Raw Data Spec'.


Also from the category menu on the right side, you can click to move quickly between categories or to find the number of selected properties on each category.


Select Filter

In the [ Select Filter ] step, it allows you to filter the data you'd like to extract. You can set to include or exclude data based on various properties such as attributed channel, campaign, OS, platform, and more.


Data Preview

In [ Data Preview ] step, you can check the settings made earlier in [Select Event], [Select Property], and [ Select Filter ] at a glance. The preview allows you to view raw data over the last 5 days.

As the preview reflects the data received over the last 5 days, it may differ from the actual data extracted depending on the period set in the next step [Select Date].


Select Date

In [ Select Date ] step, you can choose the date from the last 6 months (180 days) to 1 day old as of today's date. After selecting the date range, click [ Request Export ] button to complete the request.


View Raw Data Request History

In 'Request History' tab, you can find the export request details and its history. You can also download the raw data when it is ready.

You can find the requestor's account authority, template name, date range, requested time, and download status from the Request Activity list at a glance. By clicking each row, you can find more detailed information (event, property, filter) of requested raw data as well as the account authority.

The description of download statuses is explained below.

  • In progress: The requested raw data is being processed. You will receive an email notification once it's ready.

  • Ready: The requested Raw Data is ready for download. A download csv file button is created with its size information. (e.g. 30MB)

  • Empty Results: Completed the process of requested Raw Data but there is no result. Try to modify filters or adjust the date by clicking [Export] inside the detail window.

  • Canceled: The requested Raw Data has been canceled by the requester during processing.

  • Failed: Fail to export requested raw data due to a temporary error. Please try again via [Retry] button. If the error persists, please contact [Support > Submit a Request].

  • 5GB exceeded: The exported file size exceeded the limit of 5GB. Please add more filters or shorten the date range to reduce the file size and try again.

  • Request Timeout: The request had timed out. Please reduce the file size by adding more filters or adjusting the date range and try again.

  • Expired: The downloadable date (max 30 days) has been expired. Please submit the request again by clicking [Export] inside the detail window.

By clicking [ Export ] button from the Request Activity details window, you can easily request the same raw data as the previous request setting, or extract a similar raw data file by modifying a few details such as adding an event and change the date period. Also, you can save your settings as a template by clicking [Make Template] and retrieve it whenever needed.


Raw Data Template

For any frequently used configuration setting, you can save it as a template for quick and easy use next time.


Create Template

There are 3 ways to create a new template. 

  1. Click [ Create Template ] button in [ Saved Template ] tab.

  2. Click [ Duplicate ] button on the existing saved template in [ Saved Template ] tab.

  3. Click [ Make Template ] button from [ Request Activity ] Details Window or click [ Make Template ] from the action icon at the end of the right column.

The way to reconfigure after creating a template is the same as ‘Request Raw Data’.

We provided a few preset templates with commonly used properties for general purposes or fraud detection. You may use the preset template to extract the raw data, or duplicate the preset template and customize data fields to get a better insight.


Edit, Duplicate and Delete on Existing Template 

Edit Template

Click ‘edit’ button inside the detail window to edit the specific template from [Saved Template] or you can find the ‘edit’ in the action icon on the right.


Duplicate Template

Similar to the editing template, you can find ‘duplicate’ button inside the detail window or in the action icon, and then customize it if needed.


Delete Template

You can delete the existing template by clicking 'Delete' in the action icon on the right. 


Agency Settings

In Agency Settings menu, you can preset the event properties per each agency that has the access to the dashboard allowing them to export the fixed raw data only.

You can find this setting via [ Raw Data > Permission > Agency Settings ], and can set different data access for App and Web.

Owner or In-house marketer must preset event properties for agencies in advance, otherwise agencies are not able to export any raw data.

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