Media Partner Registration


This article is a guide for media partners.

Fill out the registration form for the ad channel integration with Airbridge. The form consists of 4 steps.

Cannot access the Media Partner Registration Form online?

In case you are unable to access the Media Registration Form online, click the link below to download the PDF version. After filling out the form, submit it to

Media Partner Info

Enter the required details and click Next.

Configure the tracking link template forIntegrated Channel tracking links.

Ad Channel ID


The Ad Channel ID cannot be changed afterward.

The Ad Channel ID is a unique value used to identify the ad channel when a tracking link is called. The Ad Channel ID is also included in the URL of the tracking link used for the ad channel.

Only lowercase letters, numbers, periods, and underscores can be entered. The Ad Channel ID cannot be changed later.

Multiple options can be selected. However, note that only 1 option between Click or S2S Click can be selected.




- The tracking link will track the ad performance when a user clicks the ad.

- The user who clicks the ad will be redirected to the configured destination by Airbridge.

S2S Click

- The tracking link will track the ad performance when a user clicks the ad.

-The user who clicks the ad will be redirected to the configured destination by the ad channel.

- The ad channel must send the click data to Airbridge.

- The user_agent and ip parameters must be used in the tracking link. They are automatically configured in the registration form.


- The tracking link will track the ad performance when an ad is shown to a user.

- The user_agent and ip parameters must be used in the tracking link. They are automatically configured in the registration form.


Configure the parameters for the tracking links. Click + Add to add parameters and enter the corresponding macro values used by the ad channel.

Click Quick setup to automatically apply the configuration settings recommended by Airbridge.

Airbridge supports the following parameters.

Postback URL

Airbridge sends the events and attribution data to the ad channel using a postback URL. Choose a data transmission method and configure the appropriate postback URL for each method.

How the postback URL works

Airbridge sends the ad performance data to the postback URLs of the integrated ad channels after attributing the conversions following the Airbridge attribution model.

Data transmission method

Choose a data transmission method.

  • Send through URL parameters (Get method): Recommended method. Configuring the postback URLs by event is required.

  • Send through request body (Post method): Requires additional coordination.

  • Other methods: Requires additional coordination.

Contact the Airbridge integration team ( if you want to choose the Send through request body method or other methods.

All data transmission methods allow you to choose whether or not to use advertiser credentials for authentication. If you assign credentials to advertisers, check the box and enter the credential names.

Advertisers will need to enter those credentials when configuring postbacks in the Airbridge dashboard to implement the integration.

Configuring postback URLs by event

When choosing Send through URL parameters as the data transmission method, you need to configure the postback URLs by event. The postback URL for installs must be added to proceed.

Only Airbridge Standard Events can be added for postback URL configuration. If Custom Events need to be added, consult with the advertiser and contact the Airbridge integration team (


The Order Cancel event (airbridge.ecommerce.order.canceled) cannot be added to the postback URL.

Review and Submit

Once you have completed the media partner registration form, click Submit. After reviewing the form, the Airbridge integration team ( will contact you within 7 business days. Additional coordination and testing for postbacks will follow.


Postback URL

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