Airbridge sends silent push notifications to users who have performed any app event at least once in the past 6 months to check if they have deleted the app. These notifications are sent daily between 3:00 PM and 4:00 PM (UTC). Uninstall events can be monitored in the Airbridge reports and raw data export files.
Submit your Apple Developer or Google Cloud Console credentials to Airbridge.
Follow the steps below to get the required credentials from the Apple Developer Portal.
To get the APNs authentication key, you need to turn on the app's push notification from the Apple Developer Portal.
Select [Identifiers] in the Apple Developer Portal.
Find and click on the app you want to track uninstalls. Then, check "Push Notification."
Select [Keys]. Click + to generate a new key. Then, download the APNs authentication key (p8). The APNs authentication key can be downloaded only when creating the key for the first time and cannot be downloaded again. If lost, the key must be regenerated. Up to 2 APNs authentication keys can be generated at once.
The Key ID can be found when clicking on the newly generated key in [Keys].
Navigate to [Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles]>[Identifiers] in the Apple Developer Portal. Click on the app you want to track uninstalls to find the Bundle ID.
Navigate to [Account]>[Membership details] in the Apple Developer Center to find the Team ID (App ID Prefix).
Follow the steps below to get the required credentials from the Google Cloud Console.
Create a custom role following the steps below.
1. Sign in to the Google Cloud console. From the drop-down list, select a project to create a custom role.
2. Navigate to [IAM & Admin]>[Roles]. Click + Create Role.
3. Enter the following details:
Title: Airbridge Uninstalls
ID: abr_uninstalls
Role launch stage: General Availability
4. Click +Add Permissions.
5. In the Enter property name or value field, enter "cloudmessaging.messages.create" and select it from the search results. Check the checkbox and click Add.
6. Click Create to finish creating the custom role.
Create a service account by following the steps below.
1. Navigate to [IAM & Admin]>[Service Accounts]. Click + Create Service Account.
2. Enter “ABR Uninstall Service Account” as the service account name. Click Create and Continue.
3. From the Select a role drop-down list, search and select "Airbridge Uninstalls." Click Continue.
4. Click Done to finish creating the service account.
Create a private key file of the service account.
1. Navigate to [IAM & Admin]>[Service Accounts]. From the service account list, click the email of the service account whose name is "ABR Uninstall Service Account."
2. Select the Keys tab. Click Add Key and select Create new key.
3. Select JSON as the key type and click Create. The JSON file containing the key file will be downloaded. Make sure to securely store the JSON file.
1. Navigate to [Settings]>[Uninstall Tracking] in the Airbridge dashboard.
2. Select the [iOS] tab and submit the required credentials.
3. Select the app environment to collect push tokens.
Different push tokens are collected depending on the app environment you choose. For example, push tokens collected in the production environment cannot be used in the development environment.
Supported apps: Apps downloaded from the Apple App Store or test apps released via TestFlight, Ad Hoc, or Enterprise.
Push tokens collected: The actual push tokens used for uninstall tracking
Supported app: Development apps for testing purposes that are not supported in the production environment
Push token collected: Push token used in the development environment
In the development environment, you can only proceed with silent push testing. To actually track uninstalls, proceed with a production app.
Follow the steps below to submit the credentials to Airbridge.
1. Navigate to [Settings]>[Uninstall Tracking] in the Airbridge dashboard.
2. Select the [Android] tab and upload the JSON key file by dropping the file or clicking to select the file.
Test silent push notifications to make sure the notifications are successfully sent to the devices. To proceed with the test, click Test silent push. The silent push test does not measure or generate uninstall events; therefore, uninstalls cannot be confirmed in the Airbridge dashboard.
Conducting the silent push test is recommended as the Bundle ID, which is one of the required credentials for uninstall tracking, can only be validated through the silent push test.
To conduct a silent push test, you need an APNs push token (device token). The push token you collect varies depending on the app environment. You need to check the push token and the app environment before conducting a silent push test. Please refer to the Apple Developer Guide for how to check the APNs push token.
To conduct a silent push test, you need an APNs push token (device token). The push token you collect varies depending on the app environment. You need to check the push token and the app environment before proceeding with a silent push test. Refer to the Apple Developer Documentation for instructions on how to find the APNs push token.
Error Code | Meaning |
403 (InvalidProviderToken) | Invalid APNs credentials. Enter the correct Key ID and Team ID, and try again. |
400 (TopicDisallowed) | Invalid Bundle ID. Enter the correct Bundle ID, and try again. |
400 (BadDeviceToken) | Invalid push token. The actual app environment and the app environment configuration may not match. |
410 (Unregistered) | Invalid push token. The actual app environment and the app environment configuration may not match, or the user may have deleted the app several days ago. |
410 (ExpiredToken) | Invalid push token. The actual app environment and the app environment configuration may not match, or the user may have deleted the app several days ago. |
Some error codes that indicate that the app has been deleted could show as a result of the silent push test. Regardless, be reminded that the purpose of the silent push test is to verify whether silent push notifications are being sent successfully using the submitted credentials.
Test the silent push notification on a device for testing purposes where the app has been installed recently and retained for the last 10 days.
You cannot conduct silent push tests on the iOS Simulator.
Test silent push notifications to make sure the notifications are successfully sent to devices. To proceed with the test, click Test silent push and enter the FCM registration token of your test device. For detailed instructions on how to access your FCM registration token, refer to the Firebase documentation.
When a silent push notification is successfully sent to your test device, where the app is installed, a success message will appear. When a silent push notification is successfully sent to a test device where the app is uninstalled, a fail message containing the 404 error code will appear.
Find the complete list of error codes below. For details about the error codes, refer to Firebase documentation.
Error code | HTTP Error Code | Description |
INVALID_ARGUMENT | 400 | Invalid request parameters. Check the package name, data key, etc. |
THIRD_PARTY_AUTH_ERROR | 401 | Invalid or missing APN certificate or web push auth key. Check the validity of your credentials. |
SENDER_ID_MISMATCH | 403 | The authorized sender ID and the sender ID of the registered token don't match. Check the sender ID. |
UNREGISTERED | 404 | Invalid token, which Airbridge assumes that the app has been uninstalled. Airbridge can successfully collect the Uninstall event. |
QUOTA_EXCEEDED | 429 | The sending limit was exceeded. |
INTERNAL | 500 | An error occurred in the Firebase server. Retry after a moment. If this error persists, contact Firebase for troubleshooting. |
UNAVAILABLE | 503 | The Firebase server is overloaded. Retry after a moment. |
Testing silent push notifications does not affect the uninstall event count available in Airbridge reports and raw data export files. Note that testing silent push notifications does not result in the actual collection of uninstall events.
For uninstall tracking, you must complete the Airbridge SDK setup by following the instructions below.
Airbridge tracks app deletions through silent push notifications. Therefore, you need to set up the app to receive push notifications.
When the push token is generated, call the RegisterPushToken
function and pass the token to the SDK.
On iOS, the APNS push token should be sent. On Android, the Firebase push token should be sent.
The silent push notifications Airbridge sends for uninstall tracking should not be displayed in the user's app. By adding the exception handling code as below, the silent push will not be exposed to the user.
if (FAirbridge::IsUninstallTrackingNotification(payload)) {
// app uninstall tracking push by airbridge.
// ignore these push notifications.
else {
// ...
After submitting the credentials to Airbridge and completing the SDK setup, the [Enable uninstall tracking] toggle will be activated. Switch on the toggle to start tracking uninstall events.
For more details about uninstall tracking, refer to this article.
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