Standard Event Category | Event Category Display Name |
airbridge.user.signup | Sign-up |
airbridge.user.signin | Sign-in |
airbridge.user.signout | Sign-out |
airbridge.ecommerce.home.viewed | Home Screen |
airbridge.ecommerce.productList.viewed | Product Catalog |
airbridge.ecommerce.searchResults.viewed | Search Results |
airbridge.ecommerce.product.viewed | Product View |
airbridge.addPaymentInfo | Add Payment Info |
airbridge.addToWishlist | Add to Wishlist |
airbridge.ecommerce.product.addedToCart | Add To Cart |
airbridge.initiateCheckout | Initiate Checkout |
airbridge.ecommerce.order.completed | Order Complete |
airbridge.ecommerce.order.canceled | Order Cancel |
airbridge.startTrial | Start Trial |
airbridge.subscribe | Subscribe |
airbridge.unsubscribe | Unsubscribe |
airbridge.adImpression | Ad Impression |
airbridge.adClick | Ad Click |
airbridge.completeTutorial | Complete Tutorial |
airbridge.achieveLevel | Achieve Level |
airbridge.unlockAchievement | Unlock Achievement |
airbridge.rate | Rate |
airbridge.share | Share |
airbridge.schedule | Schedule |
airbridge.spendCredits | Spend Credits |
Field Name |
Semantic Attributes Field Key |
Type |
Description |
Example |
Total Revenue | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.totalValue | float | Total Revenue | 10000 |
Total Revenue (Original) | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.originalTotalValue | float | Total revenue from the original data | 10000 |
Currency | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.currency | string | Currency | KRW |
Currency (Original) | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.originalCurrency | string | Original currency | KRW |
Product List | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.products | array | Product List | [{ |
Product ID | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.products.$0.productID | string | Product ID | 30372425 |
Product Name | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.products.$ | string | Product Name | The Shoes |
Product Price | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.products.$0.price | float | Product Price | 1000 |
Product Quantity | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.products.$0.quantity | int | Product Quantity | 1 |
Product Currency | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.products.$0.currency | string | Product Currency | KRW |
Product Position | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.products.$0.position | int | Product Position | 1 |
Product Category ID | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.products.$0.categoryID | string | Product Category ID | 30372425 |
Product Category Name | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.products.$0.categoryName | string | Product Category Name | Fashion > Shoes |
Product Brand ID | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.products.$0.brandID | string | Product Brand ID | 4499 |
Product Brand Name | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.products.$0.brandName | string | Product Brand Name | MyBrand |
Period | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.period | string | Period (ISO 8601 duration format) | P1Y |
Is Renewal Event | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.isRenewal | boolean | Boolean type data to show whether the purchase is renweal or not | true |
Renewal Count | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.renewalCount | int | Renewal Count | 2 |
Product List ID | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.productListID | string | Product List ID | list-id-1 |
Cart ID | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.cartID | string | Cart ID | cart-id-1 |
Transaction ID | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.transactionID | string | Transaction ID | 12939172 |
Transaction Type | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.transactionType | string | Transaction Type | cancel |
Transaction Paired Event Category | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.transactionPairedEventCategory | string | Transaction Paired Event Category | airbridge.ecommerce.order.completed |
Transaction Paired Event Timestamp | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.transactionPairedEventTimestamp | int | Transaction Paired Event Timestamp | 1599184266332 |
Total Quantity | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.totalQuantity | int | Total Quantity | 5 |
Search Query | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.query | string | User's search query | mybrand |
In App Purchased | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.inAppPurchased | boolean | Boolean type data to show whether the purchase happened directly through the app or through an appstore purchase interface. | true |
Contribution Margin | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.contributionMargin | float | Contribution Margin Revenue | 10000 |
Contribution Margin (Original) | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.originalContributionMargin | float | Contribution margin from the original data | 10000 |
List ID | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.listID | string | List ID | 39420 |
Rate ID | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.rateID | string | Rate ID | 12939172 |
Rate | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.rate | float | Rate | 3 |
Max Rate | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.maxRate | float | Max Rate | 5.0 |
Achievement ID | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.achievementID | string | Achievement ID | 12939172 |
Shared Channel | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.sharedChannel | string | Shared Channel | |
Date Time | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.datetime | string | Date And Time (ISO-8601) | 2022-08-11T01:31:07+00:00 |
Description | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.description | string | Description | summer promotion |
Is Revenue Event | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.isRevenue | boolean | Boolean type data to show whether the event is related to revenue. | true |
Place | | string | Place | Starbucks |
Schedule ID | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.scheduleID | string | Schedule ID | 1234 |
Type | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.type | string | Type | Credit Card |
Level | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.level | string | Level | 4 |
Score | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.score | float | Score | 590 |
Ad Revenue Meta Data | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.adPartners | map | Ad Revenue Meta Data | { |
Is First Event per User ID By Client | eventData.goal.semanticAttributes.isFirstPerUser | boolean | Boolean type data to show whether the event has happened in the past. (Set By Client) | true |
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