How to Build Your First Funnel Report

Jusang SongWritten by Jusang Song,

How many users have installed the app and signed in within the last 10 days?

Let’s say you launched a new app in the global market. You want to know whether users successfully sign up and sign in after installing the app. You want to use the Airbridge Funnel Report to look deeper into the behavior of the users who installed the app and signed in within the last 10 days.

1. You don’t need to specify a cohort if you want to consider all users for the analysis. 

2. Set the Funnel Entrance date range as the last 10 days and check “Include Today”.

3. Select events for Steps to create your funnel. In this case, Step 1 should be set to “Install (App),” and the last Step should be “Sign-in (App)”. You can select up to eight more Steps between Step 1 and the last, depending on how you want to create your funnel.


4. If you want to track the users who signed up and signed in from the home screen, you have to create the Steps like this:

  • Install (App) - Home Screen (App) - Sign-up (App) - Sign-in (App)


5. Let’s say you want to see how many people installed the app, signed up, and signed in to your app on the same day. In this case, the Conversion Window should be set to 1 day.


6. You don’t need to select a GroupBy option in this example. Click on the “Apply” button to view the report. If you want to reopen this report, click the “Save” button to import the same report settings.



How to view the report by country

You may need to get more granular if you want to create a robust marketing strategy based on the data you got from this report. Let’s say you want to view the results per country. Follow the steps below to see data per user group from the same country.

1. Import the saved report. If you didn’t save the report, scroll up and follow the guide from the start.


2. Select “Country” from the GroupBy options. Click the “Apply” button to view the data by country.


3. In the table, you can see the Average Conversion Time of each user group by country. This helps you understand which Steps take a long time for users to convert and how the time to convert differs by country. Using this information, you can fine-tune global marketing strategies to boost conversion rates.


How to get more granular by specifying a cohort

Let’s say you want to see how many users complete a purchase after viewing the products and adding them to their cart. You can do that by creating a funnel that consists of Steps defined as “Product View (App)”, “Add To Cart (App)” and “Order Complete (App)”.

You can get more granular by specifying a cohort. For example, you can find out whether users who added products to their cart in the last 30 days have a higher conversion rate than those who didn’t.

1. Click the “+ Add” button next to the [Cohort] menu in the configuration box. A new page will appear where you can define a cohort. 

2. Click the “performed Event” button. 

3. Select the “Add to cart (App) event from the drop-down list. You can click the “+ had Property” to add more properties to this event. Let’s skip this condition in this example.


4. You can also set the number of event occurrences or the period of the event occurrences. Let’s say you want to see the data of users who performed the “Add to cart” event more than once in the last 30 days. To do that, you need to select “more than or equals” and enter “1” time, and select “during last” and enter 30 days. Then click the “Done” button.


5. Once you complete the settings for creating the funnel, you can click the “Apply” button to get your report.


6. Adding a GroupBy option allows you to compare the data across various user groups within the cohort data.

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