Additional Options for Deep Linking

You can configure additional deep link options to create a frictionless user experience. Currently, Airbridge offers one option: adding a Stopover Airpage for iOS users.

More deep link options are coming soon.

Stopover Airpage for iOS users

Why do you need a Stopover Airpage?

Usually, when a user who has installed the app clicks a deep link, they will be redirected to a specific page within the app. However, some of those users end up being redirected to the App Store page.

This happens to all iOS apps, except for the Safari browser, when the user clicks the deep link for the first time and every first time in every app.

For example, if an iOS user who has installed your app clicks a deep link for the first time in App X, they will be redirected to the App Store page instead of being redirected to the intended in-app page of your app. Not only this, if the user who has been redirected to the App Store page from App X clicks on a deep link for the first time in App Y, this user will also be directed to the App Store page.

Adding a Stopover Airpage can prevent such situations and make sure the deep links work as intended.

How to add the Stopover Airpage

Navigate to [Tracking Link]>[Link Generation] and select [App (Deep Link)] as “Destination.” Then, check the checkbox in the Deep Link Option box to add the Stopover Airpage.

User journeys with or without the Stopover Airpage

Once you add the Stopover Airpage, iOS users who installed your app and click the deep link in App X will see the Stopover Airpage, which includes the following notification.

If the user clicks “Open,” the user will be redirected to the specific in-app page as intended. If the user clicks “Cancel,” a second notification will appear like the following.

If the user clicks “Open,” the user will be redirected to the specific in-app page as intended. If the user clicks “Cancel,” the user remains on the current page of App X.

Regardless of whether the StopOver Airpage is added or not, if a user who has installed the app clicks the same deep link for the second time in App X, the deep link will work as intended.


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