SDK Migration - Unity SDK (v4)

You'll find what you need to know about the process of updating the Airbridge Unity SDK. We recommend that you check everything from the current version onwards to the version after the update.

Update from v1.x to v4.0

Confirm once you update the Airbridge Unity SDK to v4.0.

SDK installation and initialization


When updating the Airbridge Unity SDK from v1.x.x to v4.0.0, please first remove the folders below that were previously imported and add the Airbridge Unity SDK v4.0.0 package.

  • Assets/Airbridge

  • Assets/Plugins/Airbridge

The key values of Assets/Airbridge/Resources/AirbridgeData.asset have been changed. Change the key values as follows.

AirbridgeData.asset (v1)

AirbridgeData.asset (v4)



The AirbridgeUnity.StartTracking function has been replaced with the Airbridge.StartTracking function.

- AirbridgeUnity.StartTracking();
+ Airbridge.StartTracking();

The AirbridgeUnity.StopTracking function has been replaced with the Airbridge.StopTracking function.

- AirbridgeUnity.StopTracking();
+ Airbridge.StopTracking();

The AirbridgeUnity.SetDeeplinkCallback function has been replaced with the Airbridge.SetOnDeeplinkReceived function.

public class AirbridgeManager : MonoBehaviour
    private void Awake()
-        AirbridgeUnity.SetDeeplinkCallback(;

+        Airbridge.SetOnDeeplinkReceived((string url)  =>
+        {
+            // show proper content
+        });

-    // Method will call by Airbridge when deeplink detected
-    private void OnTrackingLinkResponse(string url)
-    {
-        // show proper content
-    }   

In Android, the AirbridgeUnity.processDeeplinkData function has been replaced with the AirbridgeUnity.processHandleDeeplink function.

package co.ab180.airbridge.unity;

protected void onResume() {
-    AirbridgeUnity.processDeeplinkData(getIntent());
+    AirbridgeUnity.processHandleDeeplink(getIntent());

In-app events and user data


Please enter the value into AirbridgeAttribute.VALUE instead of the existing AirbridgeEvent.SetTotalValue.

The logic where totalValue overwrites value if totalValue is used and value is defined has been removed from Unity SDK v4.0.0.

The AirbridgeUnity.TrackEvent function has been replaced with the Airbridge.TrackEvent function.

Please change the function AirbridgeUnity.TrackEvent to Airbridge.TrackEvent following the example code below.

- AirbridgeEvent @event = new AirbridgeEvent(Airbridge.Constants.CATEGORY.ORDER_COMPLETED);
- // action
- @event.SetAction("Tool");
- // label
- @event.SetLabel("Hammer");
- // value
- @event.SetValue(10);
- // semantic attribute (provided by sdk)
- @event.SetCurrency("USD");
- List<Airbridge.Ecommerce.Product> products = new List<Airbridge.Ecommerce.Product>();
- Airbridge.Ecommerce.Product plasticHammer = new Airbridge.Ecommerce.Product();
- // semantic attribute value (provided by sdk)
- plasticHammer.SetId("12345");
- // semantic attribute value (not provided by sdk)
- plasticHammer.AddData("name", "PlasticHammer");
- products.Add(plasticHammer);
- @event.SetProducts(products.ToArray());
- // semantic attribute (not provided by sdk)
- @event.AddSemanticAttribute("totalQuantity", 1);
- // custom attribute
- @event.AddCustomAttribute("promotion", "FirstPurchasePromotion");

+ Airbridge.TrackEvent(
+    category: AirbridgeCategory.ORDER_COMPLETED,
+    semanticAttributes: new Dictionary<string, object>()
+    {
+        // action
+        { AirbridgeAttribute.ACTION, "Tool" },
+        // label
+        { AirbridgeAttribute.LABEL, "Hammer" },
+        // value
+        { AirbridgeAttribute.VALUE, 10 },
+        // semantic attribute (provided by sdk)
+        { AirbridgeAttribute.CURRENCY, "USD" },
+        {
+            AirbridgeAttribute.PRODUCTS, new List<Dictionary<string, object>>()
+            {
+                new Dictionary<string, object>()
+                {
+                    // semantic attribute value (provided by sdk)
+                    { AirbridgeAttribute.PRODUCT_ID, "12345" },
+                    // semantic attribute value (not provided by sdk)
+                    { "name", "PlasticHammer" }
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        // semantic attribute (not provided by sdk)
+        { "totalQuantity", 1 }
+    },
+    customAttributes: new Dictionary<string, object>()
+    {
+        // custom attribute
+        { "promotion", "FirstPurchasePromotion" }
+    }


The AirbridgeEvent class has been removed.

The first parameter of the Airbridge.TrackEvent function must include category information contained in the AirbridgeEvent constructor.

The second parameter of the Airbridge.TrackEvent function must include values from AirbridgeEvent.SetAction, AirbridgeEvent.SetLabel, AirbridgeEvent.SetValue, and Semantic Attributes.

The third parameter of the Airbridge.TrackEvent function must include values from the Custom Attributes.

The functions AirbridgeUnity.SetUser have been replaced with the #set-additional-user-information Airbridge.SetUser related functions. The SetUser function, which set user information all at once, are no longer supported.

- AirbridgeUser user = new AirbridgeUser();
- user.SetId("personID");
- user.SetEmail("");
- user.SetPhoneNumber("1(123)123-1234");
- user.SetAttribute("key", "value");
- user.SetAlias("key", "value");
- AirbridgeUnity.SetUser(user);

+ Airbridge.SetUserID("personID");
+ Airbridge.SetUserEmail("");
+ Airbridge.SetUserPhone("1(123)123-1234");
+ Airbridge.SetUserAttribute("key", "value");
+ Airbridge.SetUserAlias("key", "value");

Additional settings

The AirbridgeUnity.ImpressionTrackingLink function has been replaced with the Airbridge.Impression function.

- AirbridgeUnity.ImpressionTrackingLink("");

+ Airbridge.Impression(
+    trackingLink: "",
+    onSuccess: () =>
+    {
+        // Handle on success
+    },
+    onFailure: (Exception exception) =>
+    {
+        // Handle on failure
+    }

The AirbridgeUnity.ClickTrackingLink function has been replaced with the Airbridge.Click function.

- AirbridgeUnity.ClickTrackingLink("");

+ Airbridge.Click(
+    trackingLink: "",
+    onSuccess: () =>
+    {
+        // Handle on success
+    },
+    onFailure: (Exception exception) =>
+    {
+        // Handle on failure
+    }

The AirbridgeUnity.SetOnAttributionReceived function has been replaced with the Airbridge.SetOnAttributionReceived function.

public class AirbridgeManager : MonoBehaviour
    private void Awake()
-        AirbridgeUnity.SetOnAttributionReceived(;

+        Airbridge.SetOnAttributionReceived((Dictionary<string, object> attributionResult) =>
+        {
+            // using attribution
+        });

-    // Method will call by Airbridge when attribution result received
-    private void OnAttributionResultReceived(string data)
-    {
-        // using attribution
-    }

Device Alias

- AirbridgeUnity.SetDeviceAlias("ADD_YOUR_KEY", "AND_YOUR_VALUE");
+ Airbridge.SetDeviceAlias("ADD_YOUR_KEY", "AND_YOUR_VALUE");

- AirbridgeUnity.RemoveDeviceAlias("DELETE_THIS_KEY");
+ Airbridge.RemoveDeviceAlias("DELETE_THIS_KEY");

- AirbridgeUnity.ClearDeviceAlias();
+ Airbridge.ClearDeviceAlias();

Activation status of the Airbridge SDK

- bool isSDKEnabled = AirbridgeUnity.IsSDKEnabled();
+ bool isSDKEnabled = Airbridge.IsSDKEnabled();

The AirbridgeUnity.CreateWebInterface function has been replaced with the Airbridge.CreateWebInterfaceScript, Airbridge.HandleWebInterfaceCommand functions.

private WebViewObject webViewObject;
string postMessageScript;

- AirbridgeWebInterface webInterface;

void Start()
    string PostMessageGenerator(string arg) =>
if (window && window.webkit && window.webkit.messageHandlers && window.webkit.messageHandlers.unityControl) {{
}} else {{
    var iframe = document.createElement('IFRAME');
    iframe.setAttribute('src', 'unity:' + {arg});
    iframe = null;

-    webInterface = AirbridgeUnity.CreateWebInterface(WebViewController.WebToken, (string command) => PostMessageGenerator(command));
-    postMessageScript = webInterface.Script;
+    postMessageScript = Airbridge.CreateWebInterfaceScript(WebViewController.WebToken, PostMessageGenerator("payload"));

            cb: (msg) =>
-                webInterface.Handle(msg);
+                Airbridge.HandleWebInterfaceCommand(msg);
            ld: (msg) =>
    catch (System.Exception e)

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