Onboarding Airbridge

    Airbridge is a mobile measurement partner that streamlines marketing attribution, from data collection to performance measurement, within a single unified dashboard.

    Through an integrated approach encompassing last-touch attribution, multi-touch attribution, and marketing mix modeling, Airbridge provides a complete picture of the user journey across apps and websites. Features such as deep linking, audience management, fraud validation, and raw data exports empower you to achieve mobile growth.

    Let's begin your Airbridge journey!

    About Airbridge

    Airbridge is accessible through a web browser. Try using the demo app to explore the capabilities of Airbridge without any setup.

    Onboarding Airbridge

    Follow the steps below to begin your Airbridge journey. The actual onboarding process may vary depending on the nature of your business.






    Relevant Articles

    1. App registration and configuration

    Register your app with Airbridge and set the app time zone, app standard currency, etc.

    - Registering Your App with Airbridge

    - App Time Zone Setup

    - App Standard Currency Setup

    2. SDK integration

    Integrate the Airbridge SDK into your apps and websites to use Airbridge features.

    - Getting Started with the Airbridge SDK

    - Android SDK

    - iOS SDK

    3. Attribution setup

    Customize the attribution rules to align with your marketing objectives.

    - Setting Up Attribution

    - Airbridge Attribution Model

    - Lookback and Attribution Window Setup

    4. Integration and tracking link generation

    Connect with your media partners or embed Airbridge tracking links in your ads to measure performance.

    - Integration Overview

    - Creating Tracking Links

    5. Additional configuration

    Proceed with any necessary setup, such as enabling deep linking on tracking links or connecting cloud storages and other third-party platforms with Airbridge.

    - Cloud Storage Integration

    - Third-party Platform Integration

    - Deep Link Settings

    6. Data collection

    Allow Airbridge 24 to 48 hours to collect a substantial amount of data.

    7. Performance measurement

    Access your data via Airbridge's extensive reporting options and raw data exports.

    - Airbridge Reports Overview

    - Using Your Raw Data

    Airbridge User Guide at a glance

    Refer to the table below to make the most out of the Airbridge User Guide.






    Key Articles

    Getting Started

    Begin your Airbridge journey by configuring your apps and attribution rules.

    - Airbridge User Management

    - Understanding Events in Airbridge

    - Configuring Your App in Airbridge

    - Setting Up Attribution

    Tracking Link

    Tracking links serve as an essential tool for data collection. Make sure to read about Integrated Channels and Custom Channels before creating tracking links. You can use social share previews and custom domains to improve user experiences.

    - Understanding Channels

    - Creating Tracking Links

    - Configuring Tracking Links

    - Deep Link


    Enhance the depth of your insights with Airbridge's extensive reporting options. The Overview Dashboard and Actuals Report enable you to track performance in real-time. The Retention Report, Revenue Report, Funnel Report, and Active Users Report highlight key metrics such as retention rates, revenue, conversion rates, DAU, and MAU.

    For a more comprehensive analysis, you can upload your own data and access them in Airbridge reports.

    To accurately understand your iOS campaign performance, set up SKAdNetwork in Airbridge.

    - Overview Dashboard

    - Actuals Report

    - Retention Report

    - Revenue Report

    - Funnel Report

    - Active Users Report

    - SKAdNetwork (iOS)


    Airbridge supports integration with numerous ad channels, including Google Ads, Meta, Apple Search Ads, and TikTok.

    You can also connect with your cloud storages and other third-party platforms to extract the most value from your data.

    By building audience segments and sharing them with your ad channels, you can tailor your campaigns.

    - Google Ads

    - Meta Ads

    - Apple Search Ads

    - TikTok for Business

    - Ad Channel Integration

    - Cloud Storage Integration

    - Third-party Platform Integration

    - Audience Manager

    Airbridge Playbooks

    Discover best practices and recommended actions for various scenarios to optimize your Airbridge experience.

    - How To Boost Conversion Rates With Web Redirection Using Airbridge Tracking Links


    Explore the metric and GroupBy options available in Airbridge reports, as well as essential mobile marketing terms.

    - Report Metrics

    - Report GroupBys

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