Lookback and Attribution Window Setup

    To ensure attribution accuracy, Airbridge allows you to determine the timeframe for data collection, referred to as the lookback window and the attribution window. Navigate to [Management]>[Attribution Rules] to configure the two windows. For more details on the Airbridge attribution model, refer to this article.


    The lookback and attribution windows affect how you measure ad performance, often leading to attribution discrepancies between Airbridge and different ad channels. Review thoroughly before you make any changes to the configuration.

    Lookback Window Setup

    The lookback window is a user-resettable timeframe preceding a Target Event in which touchpoints are considered relevant.

    Navigate to [Management]>[Attribution Rules] and select the [Install] tab to configure your lookback window.

    You can’t set a lookback window for Deeplink Opens. As it typically takes less than a second for a user who clicks on a deep link-configured tracking link to be redirected to an in-app location, it is obvious which ad channel should take credit for the conversion.

    How to view the settings

    Navigate to [Management]>[Attribution Rules] and select the [Install] tab to view your lookback window settings.

    Below are the types of lookback windows Airbridge offers by touchpoint type and attribution method:

    • Click; device matching

    • Click; probabilistic modeling matching

    • View; device matching

    • View; probabilistic modeling matching

    You can view the different settings for each ad channel. The “Global” row shows the lookback window for all ad channels that have not been custom-configured.

    Hover over the chart to see whether touchpoints from a point in time, depending on the touchpoint type and attribution method, can be attributed under current settings. The winning touchpoint is one of the “valid” touchpoints.

    The table shows your settings by ad channel. In the “Last Modified” column, you can see the latest date the lookback window for an ad channel was changed. A hyphen in the column signifies that the settings have never been changed.

    Default lookback window

    The lookback windows for some ad channels are pre-configured by Airbridge as below.

    How to configure the lookback window

    Navigate to [Management]>[Attribution Rules] and select the [Install] tab. Click Edit Window to modify your lookback window settings.

    You can configure the lookback window in days, hours, and minutes. Click Setting by Channel to customize the configuration for individual ad channels.

    Attribution Window Setup

    The attribution window is a user-resettable timeframe succeeding a Target Event in which conversions are tracked and recorded. Conversions outside of this period aren’t attributed.

    Navigate to [Management]>[Attribution Rules] and select the [In-App Events] tab to configure your attribution window.

    How to view the settings

    Navigate to [Management]>[Attribution Rules] and select the [In-App Events] tab to view your attribution window settings. You can differentiate the settings by the type of Target Event.


    The default attribution window for Deeplink Pageviews, set to 3 days, cannot be viewed or customized in the Airbridge dashboard. To make any changes, contact your Airbridge CSM.

    You can view the different settings for each ad channel. The “Global” row shows the attribution window for all ad channels that have not been custom-configured.

    Hover over the chart to see whether conversions from a point in time are tracked and recorded under current settings. In other words, you can see whether certain in-app events are considered to be Subsequent Events. Remember that the winning touchpoint for the Target Event also takes credit for Subsequent Events.

    The table shows your attribution window settings by ad channel. In the “Last Modified” column, you can see the latest date the attribution window for an ad channel was changed. A hyphen in the column signifies that the settings have never been changed.

    How to configure the attribution window

    Navigate to [Management]>[Attribution Rules] and select the [Install] tab. Click Edit Window to modify your attribution window settings.

    You can differentiate the settings by the type of Target Event. Customize your attribution window for App Installs in the Attribution Window for Install section and your attribution window for Deeplink Opens in the Attribution Window for Depelink Open section.

    Note that the Airbridge attribution model prioritizes Deeplink Opens and Deeplink Pageviews over App Installs. If a Deeplink Open takes place within the attribution window for an App Install, the window is reset to start from the point of the Deeplink Open.


    The default attribution window for Deeplink Pageviews, set to 3 days, cannot be viewed or customized in the Airbridge dashboard. To make any changes, contact your Airbridge CSM.

    You can configure the attribution window in days, hours, and minutes. Click “Setting by Channel” to customize the configuration for individual ad channels.

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