User journeys are often complex, stretching over a long period of time. To build successful strategies that can navigate such intricacy, you need to analyze which of your marketing efforts are most effective in driving desired business outcomes. This process is known as attribution.
The Airbridge attribution model is a framework for distributing the credit of conversion among the various touchpoints in a user journey. You can access the attribution data in Airbridge reports to measure ad performance and optimize conversion paths.
At base, Airbridge uses the last-touch attribution model, which assigns full credit to the touchpoint closest in time to the conversion. The touchpoint that most likely led to a desired business outcome is called the winning touchpoint.
However, there are cases where the last touchpoint does not take credit because the Airbridge attribution model prioritizes certain touchpoints over others.
The Airbridge attribution model is applied to the Actuals Report, Trend Report, Reinstall Report, Retention Report, Funnel Report, Revenue Report, and Active Users Report. Other reports use different models that are more suitable for their reporting purposes.
Airbridge identifies the winning touchpoint under the framework of the Airbridge attribution model. Note that each player in the mobile marketing ecosystem has its own attribution rules, sometimes resulting in attribution discrepancies. The attribution rules also vary depending on where the touchpoint occurred.
Web attribution rules
Airbridge’s web attribution rules differ from the mobile app attribution rules in the following aspects.
You can’t set a lookback window for web events.
The attribution window for web events is set to 3 days (72 hours) by default. If you wish to make changes, refer to this article.
Touchpoints collected via tracking links are prioritized over touchpoints collected via Airbridge Web SDK’s UTM parameter parsing.
Users exposed to advertisements respond in various ways. They might decide to install an app, sign up, or even make a purchase.
Airbridge defines some of these desired business outcomes as Target Events and uses them as trigger points for attribution. This means that when the Airbridge SDK detects a Target Event, it notifies the Airbridge server, setting the attribution process in motion.
Some conversions that are not Target Events are referred to as Subsequent Events. Below are more details on the two types of events.
安装:指将 App 软件下载到设备上的转化事件。当用户下载 App 并首次启用时,Airbridge 会记录一次安装。重装(Re-install)也归类于安装。
深度链接打开:指用户通过点击深度链接启用 App 的转化事件。
深度链接页面浏览:指用户在 App 内点击深度链接后跳转到同一 App 内其他页面的转化事件。
Airbridge 归因模型以目标事件为中心监测广告绩效。当目标事件发生时,Airbridge 会确定促成该目标事件的获胜触点。目标事件归因窗口内的后续事件也将归因于该获胜触点。
为了追踪深度链接页面浏览,需要在 Airbridge SDK 中完成 App 内使用追踪链接的设置。请参阅以下指南:
Subsequent Events are desired business outcomes that are not Target Events and that take place within a defined timeframe after a Target Event. Conversions that are outside of the timeframe, or the attribution window, are not counted as Subsequent Events. App opens, purchases, and subscriptions are some common examples of Subsequent Events.
Remember that the winning touchpoint for a Target Event also takes credit for Subsequent Events. For instance, if a touchpoint from Channel A has been determined to take credit for an App Install, the touchpoint takes credit for all Subsequent Events within the attribution window as well.
Having notified the Airbridge server, the Airbridge SDK proceeds to collect data about the Target Event and reconstructs the user journey.
The user journey consists of touchpoints and conversions, ideally associated with the same device identifier. When a Target Event occurs, Airbridge identifies touchpoints that occurred before the Target Event and conversions that occurred after the Target Event.
Below are more details on the user journey, touchpoints, and conversions. For more details on the data collected by Airbridge, refer to this article.
触点是用户与广告之间的任何交互,其中广告展示(Impression 或 View)和点击(Click)是两个典型的示例。
触点的统计标准因广告渠道和移动监测合作伙伴(Mobile Measurement Partner,简称 “MMP”)而异。例如,某些广告渠道要求用户观看广告超过 10 秒才计为一次展示,而其他广告渠道可能只需观看 3 秒即可计入。
转化是由广告促成的业务成果,通常发生在您的 App 或 Web 中。典型示例包括 App 安装、购买和订阅,具体取决于您的服务类型和广告目标。
Airbridge 归因模型将转化区分为目标事件、后续事件和其他。目标事件包括安装(Install)、深度链接打开(Deeplink Open)以及深度链接页面浏览(Deeplink Pageview)。包含在目标事件归因窗口内的转化被视为该目标事件的后续事件,并会归因于该目标事件的获胜触点。
Not all touchpoints are given equal significance in the attribution process. Above all, fraudulent touchpoints are always excluded.
In addition, if there are multiple touchpoints in a user journey, only those of the highest priority are considered. This means that those of lower priority can never be identified as the winning touchpoint.
In the same context, not all attribution methods are given equal significance. For more details on the attribution methods used by Airbridge, refer to this article.
Below are the Airbridge attribution model’s touchpoint prioritization rules.
From highest to lowest:
Tracking links
UTM parameter parsing
Organic referrer attribution
Airbridge Web SDK
The priority is determined by the user's interaction that generated the touchpoint. Attribution is primarily based on the highest priority touchpoints, starting from priority 1.
For example, if both a user's ad click and impression occur within the lookback window, Airbridge's attribution model only considers the click for attribution.
Some touchpoints are uniquely defined and supported by ad channels. Examples include the "Engaged View" supported by Meta ads and Google Ads, as well as the "Engaged View-through" supported by TikTok For Business.
In general, the priority of these touchpoints is higher than impressions and equal to or lower than clicks. For instance, an Engaged View from Meta ads has a higher priority than a regular impression. Therefore, if both an Engaged View and a regular impression occur within the lookback window, Airbridge's attribution model only considers the Engaged View for attribution.
From highest to lowest:
Deterministic attribution
Probabilistic attribution
For more details about Airbridge's attribution methods, refer to this article.
For accurate attribution, it is crucial to ensure that the data collected along the user journey are relevant to the Target Event. Time is an important factor here.
The impact of an advertising campaign tends to diminish over time. For instance, if a user installs your app after seeing two advertisements — one from the previous year and the other from the day before, the latter likely had a greater impact. This shows the importance of setting a specific timeframe in which touchpoints can be associated with conversions.
You need to determine the time before and after the Target Event for data collection. The period preceding the Target Event is referred to as the lookback window, and the succeeding as the attribution window. Touchpoints and conversions outside of these timeframes are not considered for attribution. Below are more details on the lookback and attribution windows.
回溯窗口是以 App 安装发生时间为起点,向前定义的一段时间,只有在该时间范围内的触点才被视为时间上有效。超出该时间范围的触点将排除在归因过程之外,因此无法获得转化归因。
例如,假设回溯窗口设置为 3 天(72 小时)。如果 App 安装发生在 1 月 4 日 14:00,Airbridge 在归因时只会考虑 1 月 1 日 14:00 至 1 月 4 日 14:00 之间的触点。
例如,假设归因窗口设置为 3 天(72 小时)。如果目标事件发生在 1 月 4 日 14:00,只有 1 月 4 日 14:00 至 1 月 7 日 14:00 之间的转化会归因于该目标事件的获胜触点。
Having collected data within a set timeframe along the user journey, Airbridge determines the winning touchpoint according to the rules below. Remember that Airbridge uses the last-touch attribution model.
When a Target Event takes place, the Airbridge SDK collects touchpoint and conversion data within the lookback and attribution windows, respectively.
Among touchpoints of the highest priority, the one closest in time to the Target Event takes credit for both the Target Event and the Subsequent Events. Fraudulent touchpoints are always excluded.
Deeplink Opens and Deeplink Pageviews are prioritized over App Installs. If a Deeplink Open takes place within the attribution window for an App Install, the window is reset to start from the point of the Deeplink Open.
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