Creating Tracking Links in the Airbridge Dashboard

    To create tracking links in the Airbridge dashboard, navigate to [Tracking Links]>[Link Generation] in your Airbridge dashboard. Select the [Integrated Channels] or the [Custom Channels] tab depending on the type of channel you want to create the tracking link for. For more details on the channel types, read this article.

    Set the Campaign Optimization Parameters

    1. Navigate to [Tracking Link]>[Link Generation] and select the [Integrated Channels] tab. 

    2. Enter the channel name you are looking for in the search bar and select the channel from the dropdown list.

    If you can’t find the channel you are looking for, select Can’t find the channel you are looking for? and fill out the request form for a new channel integration.

    3. Except for the channel parameter, all other parameters are optional. You can pick and choose which parameter to add depending on the purpose of your campaign. The parameters added to the tracking link can be looked up as GroupBys in the Actuals Report. Some channels have preset parameters that are automatically applied when selecting the channel. In such cases, it is advised NOT TO CHANGE the preset values.

    Set the destination URL



    To set the tracking link’s destination to the app store page, your service’s app must be registered per OS on the [Settings]>[App Settings]>[App Info] page. If not, the destination can only be set to a web URL.

    To set the tracking link’s destination to an in-app location using the deep linking feature, the [Tracking Link]>[Deep Links] page must be configured with the necessary info. For more details, refer to this article.

    Set the re-engagement parameter

    When switching on the Re-engagement Parameter toggle, you can specify how to measure ad performance. This parameter is optional.

    Toggle status



    Target Users

    Events collected

    Switched off


    All campaigns


    All events

    Switched on


    Re-engagement campaigns

    Users who have already installed the app

    - Deep link open events
    - Deep link pageview events
    - Subsequent app events triggered by deep link open events and deep link pageview events

    Switched on


    User acquisition campaigns

    Users who don’t have installed the app

    - Install events
    - Subsequent app events triggered by install events

    1. The Create tracking links button will be activated when all configurations are set.

    2. Upon clicking Create tracking links, you will get up to 3 tracking links: click-type, server-to-server click-type, and impression-type. Click the [copy] icon to copy the tracking links.



    Set the Campaign Optimization Parameters

    1. Navigate to [Tracking Links]>[Link Generation] and select the [Custom Channels] tab.

    2. Enter the name of the custom channel.

    You can create redirection-only tracking links by entering ab_redirection_only into the “Channel” parameter field. Data collected through such tracking links is not used for attribution. The redirection-only tracking links are ideal for scenarios where delivering seamless user experience and managing customer relations are the main purposes, while attribution is not needed.

    3. Except for the channel parameter, all other parameters are optional. You can pick and choose which parameter to add depending on the purpose of your campaign. The parameters added to the tracking link can be looked up as GroupBys in the Actuals Report.


    Set the destination


    To set the tracking link’s destination to the app store page, your service’s app must be registered per OS on the [Settings]>[App Settings]>[App Info] page. If not, the destination can only be set to a web URL.

    To set the tracking link’s destination to an in-app location using the deep linking feature, the [Tracking Link]>[Deep Links] page must be configured with the necessary info. For more details, refer to this article.


    Additional options

    Enter the short link ID for tracking link branding. If not entered, it will be randomly set and can’t be changed afterward. To enable tracking link branding, the custom domain must be configured first. For more details on custom domains, read this article.


    Airpage is a webpage created automatically when an app is registered to Airbridge. The webpage shows a QR code that sends users to app stores. You can use the Airpage as the desktop destination when creating tracking links for custom channels to drive app installs. You can find your Airbridge URL in [Settings]>[App Settings].

    Social share preview

    The social share preview is the information that is displayed when a custom channel tracking link is shared on social media. For more details on how to configure the social share preview, read this article.

    Set the re-engagement parameter

    This parameter is optional. For more details, read this section.

    1. The Create tracking links button will be activated when all configurations are set.

    2. Upon clicking Create tracking links, you will get a tracking link in the short URL and normal URL version. Click the [copy] icon to copy the tracking links.

    You can view the details of your tracking link and edit the thumbnail and the QR code as well.

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