You can specify the language to use for API requests and responses. It follows the ISO-639-1 format.
Represents the media type of the resource. Defaults to application/json
The key value to use for API requests. Instructions for getting API keys are in "how to generate API Keys".
Airbridge App Name. (Unique ID)
The start date of the report data to request.
The date must be in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'
This date must correspond with the timezone set in the Airbridge app.
Future dates are not permitted.
The end date of the report data to request.
The date must be in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'
This date must correspond with the timezone set in the Airbridge app.
The system only accepts dates up the current date. The time period available for querying is up to 92 days.
Report "Group By".
'Group By' is necessary when seeking a more detailed view in reports. This specification will allow reports to be grouped according to desired criteria. Refer to the 'Report GroupBys' for a comprehensive list of available options.
The maximum threshold is 10.
Report "Metrics".
Various ad performance data can be examined through metrics. Refer to the 'Report Metrics' for a comprehensive list of available options.
The maximum threshold is 20.
The filter for providing 'group by' items.
The groupBys to filter by.
Only values defined within groupBys
can be used.
The operator to apply to the filter.
In. In Actuals reports, this corresponds to equals (is, =).
Not in. In Actuals reports, this corresponds to is not, ≠.
Contains. ∋
Does not contain. ∌
Value exists.
Value does not exist.
The value to apply to the filter.
Sort report data by 'Group By' or 'Metric'.
Values within 'groupBys' or 'metrics' serve as criteria for sorting.
Sort by ascending (A-Z) or not. (Default: true)