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Report GroupBy

Here is the full list of GroupBys available in the Actuals Report.

For [Field_Key] information, refer to this link





Event Category

User-generated event name
e.g. Install (App), Order Complete (App)

Event Action

First property value of the occurred event

Event Label

Second property value of the occurred event


Event Datetime



Event Date

Event Date (YYYY-MM-DD)

Event Year

The year that the event happened

Event Month

The month that the event happened

Event Week

Week number that an event occurred. Week 01 refers to the week with the first Thursday.

e.g. 02

Event Day of the month

Day of the month that the event happened

Event Day of the week

Day of the week that the event happened

Event Hour

The hour that the event happened


Event Property



Is First Event per Device ID

Boolean type data to show whether the event has happened in the past. (per airbridge device id)

- true: First Event.

- false: Not the First Event

(App Event Available Only)

Is First Event per User ID

Boolean type data to show whether the event has happened in the past. (per user id)

- true: First Event.

- false: Not the First Event

(Both Web/App Event Available)

Event Source

The data source from which the event was collected.

- App

- Web

- Tracking Link

- SMS Link

Event Type

The parent group of the user-generated event

e.g. In-App Event

Browser Referrer Host

Web browser referrer host

e.g. blog.ab180.co

App Market Identifier

App Market ID from which user downloaded the app. (Android Only)

- playStore

- oneStore

- huaweiStore






Channel that generated touchpoints and conversions


Campaign that generated touchpoints and conversions

(the campaign parameters can be (a) inserted in the publisher dashboard or (b) manually inserted in the tracking link)

Ad Group

Ad Group that generated touchpoints and conversions

(the ad group parameters can be (a) inserted in the publisher dashboard or (b) manually inserted in the tracking link)

Ad Creative

Ad Creative that generated touchpoints and conversions

(the ad creative parameters can be (a) inserted in the publisher dashboard or (b) manually inserted in the tracking link)


Content that generated touchpoints and conversions

(The content parameters can be (a) inserted in the SAN publisher dashboard or (b) manually inserted in the tracking link)

e.g. Ad copy, slogan, promotion name


Term that generated touchpoints and conversions, and also refers to ad search keyword.

(The term parameters can be (a) inserted in the SAN publisher dashboard or (b) manually inserted in the tracking link)

Sub Publisher

Sub publisher that generated touchpoints and conversions

(the parameter used by publishers for identifying sub-publishers are provided)

Sub Sub Publisher 1

Level 1 publisher below Sub Publisher that generated touchpoints and conversions

(the parameter used by publishers for identifying sub-publishers are provided)

Sub Sub Publisher 2

Level 2 publisher below Sub Publisher that generated touchpoints and conversions

(the parameter used by publishers for identifying sub-publishers are provided)

Sub Sub Publisher 3

Level 3 publisher below Sub Publisher that generated touchpoints and conversions

(the parameter used by publishers for identifying sub-publishers are provided)

Campaign ID

Unique ID for a campaign parameter value that was generated from SAN(Self-attribution Network)

Ad Group ID

Unique ID for Ad Group parameter value that was generated from SAN(Self-attribution Network)

Ad Creative ID

Unique ID for Ad Creative parameter value that was generated from SAN(Self-attribution Network)

Campaign Type

Campaign type that generated touchpoints and conversions

(the ad group parameters can be (a) inserted in the publisher dashboard or (b) manually inserted in the tracking link)

Ad Account ID

Ad Account ID registered in SAN(Self-attribution Network)

Channel Type

Channel type of the Attributed Channel

- Custom Channel

- Integrated Channel

- Unattributed

Touchpoint Interaction Type

Type of the attributed touchpoint

- Click

- Engaged View

- Impression

Touchpoint Generation Type

Touchpoint Generation Type

- Tracking Link

- Tracking Parameters

- Self-attributing Network


- SDK (Web)

- SDK (App)

- Apple SKAdNetwork

- Google Install Referrer (Meta)

- Meta Install Referrer

Touchpoint Identity Matching Type

Matching Method of the Attributed Touchpoint

- id

- android_referrer

- probabilistic

- deeplink

- platform

- user_id

- apple_search_ads

Is View-through

Boolean type data to show whether the Airbridge user chose to track impressions or clicks.

- true: Impression

- false: Clicks

Is Re-engagement

Boolean type data to show whether the campaign is for the re-engagement campaign or not. (Learn more)


- On-True: true

- On-False: false




Campaign Short ID

Short ID of the tracking link with the Attributed Touchpoint.

(Unique value generated automatically by Airbridge System

Email of the Tracking Link Creator

Email of the Airbridge user who created the Tracking Link

Agency of the Tracking Link Creator

Agency name that generated the Tracking Link


Attribution Result



Is Validated Attribution

Whether the conversions are valid for the attribution or not. (must meet validation rules that were set in the Airbridge dashboard)

true: valid

false: invalid

Is Validated Postback

Whether the conversions are valid to be sent by the postback. (follow by Postback Delivery Rules that were set in the Airbridge dashboard)

true: valid

false: invalid

Target Event Category

The event name of Target Event to which subsequent event was attributed.

- Install (App)

- Deeplink Open (App)

* Except for the above events (Install and Deeplink Open), the rest of the events belongs to the subsequent event

Is First Target Event per Device

Whether the Target Event to which subsequent event was attributed is the first event

true: first event

false: not the first event





Touchpoint Fraud Tag

Fraud Validation Tag of the fraudulent touchpoint (follow by the Fraud Validation Rules that were set in the Airbridge dashboard)

e.g. Fraud_Touchpoint_ClickShortLagTime

Conversion Fraud Tag

Fraud Validation Tag of the fraudulent conversion event (follow by the Fraud Validation Rules that were set in the Airbridge dashboard)

e.g. Fraud_Conversion_DeviceTimezone

Target Event Fraud Tag

Fraud Validation Tag of the fraudulent Target event (follow by the Fraud Validation Rules that were set in the Airbridge dashboard)

* Only the Target event can be attributed from the touchpoint, and the subsequent event inherits the valid attribution of the target event

e.g. Fraud_Conversion_DeviceTimezone





Device Type

Device Type

- mobile

- tablet

- desktop

- other

Airbridge Device ID Type

Airbridge Device ID Generation Type




- Random Generated

Device Model

Device Model


Device Manufacturer


Device Platform

- Android

- iOS

- Desktop

- Other

OS Name

Device OS Name

OS Version

Device OS Version

Browser Name

Browser Name

Browser Version

Browser Version


Device Locale


Device Language


Device Country

Client IP Country

Country by IP Address

Client IP Subdivision

Subdivision by IP Address

e.g. California, Seoul

Client IP City

City by IP Address

e.g. Los Angeles, GangNam-Gu

Client IP Cloud Provider

Cloud Provider for the IP address

e.g. AWS, GCP

Network Carrier

Device Network Carrier


Device Timezone

Limit Ad Tracking

Boolean type data to show Device Ad Tracking Limitation Status

- true: Ad Tracking is not permitted

- false: Ad Tracking is permitted

App Tracking Transparency

iOS ATTrackingManager's Authorization Status

- Not Determined: If a user hasn’t yet received an authorization request to allow app-related tracking data.

- Restricted: If the authorization to allow app-related tracking data is restricted.

- Denied: If the authorization to allow app-related tracking data is denied.

- Authorized: If the user gives the authorization to allow app-related tracking data.


Boolean type data to show Device Cellular activation status

- true: Cellular is activated

- false: Cellular is deactivated


Boolean type data to show Device WiFi activation status

- true: WiFi is activated

- false: WiFi is deactivated





App Version

Users' App version

App Version Code

App version code for releases or updates on Google Play Store.

Airbridge App Name

App name registered in Airbridge dashboard





Airbridge SDK Version

Airbridge SDK Version (Platform_OS_Version)




SKAN Version

SKAN Version

SKAN Revenue Range

SKAN Revenue range

SKAN Event Count

SKAN number of event occurrence

- All SKAN metrics are counted 1 except the number of 'Order Complete' metric 

- For tracking the number of 'Order Complete', the actual count of purchases is recorded. (Adding 'event category' groupby is recommended)

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