Unity LevelPlay (ironSource)


This feature is currently in beta. For inquiries and improvement requests, contact your CSM.

Airbridge supports server-to-server (S2S) and SDK integration with Unkity LevelPlay (ironSource). With the integration, you can import the ad revenue into Airbridge.

We recommend implementing both S2S integration and SDK integration for more accurate measurement.

Make sure to check the version of the SDK you initially installed before implementing both S2S integration and SDK integration. You must have a certain version or later of the initially installed SDK to set up all integrations properly. If your SDK version is earlier than the required version, the number of users may not be accurately counted after integration.

Airbridge automatically updates the data received in real-time through SDK integration with the enriched data received through S2S integration. Also, the data received through SDK integration can be used for SKAN conversion value setup.

SDK Integration

Click the link below and install the ironSource SDK.

Configure the ad revenue data callback to send the ad revenue data to the Airbridge SDK.

IronSourceEvents.onImpressionDataReadyEvent += ImpressionDataReadyEvent;

private void ImpressionDataReadyEvent(IronSourceImpressionData impressionData) 
    if (impressionData != null)
        AirbridgeEvent @event = new AirbridgeEvent("airbridge.adImpression");
        var ironSource = new Dictionary<string, object>();

        // optional fields
        ironSource["auction_id"] = impressionData.auctionId;
        ironSource["ad_unit"] = impressionData.adUnit;
        ironSource["ad_network"] = impressionData.adNetwork;
        ironSource["instance_name"] = impressionData.instanceName;
        ironSource["instance_id"] = impressionData.instanceId;
        ironSource["country"] = impressionData.country;
        ironSource["placement"] = impressionData.placement;
        ironSource["revenue"] = impressionData.revenue;
        ironSource["precision"] = impressionData.precision;
        ironSource["ab"] = impressionData.ab;
        ironSource["segment_name"] = impressionData.segmentName;
        ironSource["lifetime_revenue"] = impressionData.lifetimeRevenue;
        ironSource["encrypted_cpm"] = impressionData.encryptedCPM;
        var adPartners = new Dictionary<string, object>();
        adPartners["ironSource"] = ironSource;
        @event.SetValue(impressionData.revenue ?? 0);
        @event.AddSemanticAttribute("adPartners", adPartners);

        // ironSource has a default currency of USD
        @event.AddSemanticAttribute("currency", "USD");

S2S Integration

To implement the S2S integration, you need to enter the Secret Key and Refresh Token provided by Unity LevelPlay into the Airbridge dashboard.

For more detailed instructions, refer to the article below.

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