Unattributed Conversion Analysis Powered by the AI Assistant


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    The AI Assistant in the Trend Report supports the Unattributed Conversion Analysis which analyzes unattributed conversions and shows a simulated attribution result. The simulated results can offer a fresh perspective on evaluating the performance of your ad campaigns.

    Unattributed Conversion Analysis

    The Unattributed Conversion Analysis uses the AI Assistant to analyze unattributed conversions and assign the conversion credit to different ad channels based on its modeling results.

    How it works

    Airbridge collects campaign data and feeds it to the AI Assistant. Using this campaign data, the AI assistant discovers the correlation between the data sets, such as the correlation between the number of installs and ad spending. Based on historical data, UCA AI creates a model using linear regression. If the model's value is greater than the reported value, the unattributed conversions are attributed to corresponding ad channels. The simulated result allows you to understand which ad channels could have received more conversion credits without the use of user-level data.

    The feature is currently in beta and comes with the following limitations.

    • The AI Assistant is optimized to analyze UA campaigns.

    • The analysis is limited to iOS app data.

    • Upon enabling the feature, the report configuration options are automatically adjusted.


    For the AI Assistant to function, the following requirements must be met.

    • Campaign data from at least 1 Integrated Channel is required.

    • At least 30 days’ worth of data from the past 150 days is required. The data must contain at least 1 data set of click, impression, or cost data and 1 data set of app install data.

    • The data does not need to be continuous. For example, if the campaign ran from 2024-09-01 to 2024-09-17 and from 2024-10-15 to 2024-10-30, the data is still viable for analysis.

    The AI Assistant can readily perform the analysis for newly registered Airbridge Apps as well if only the data requirements are met. Enabling cost integration with integrated channels makes data collection easy.

    Enabling the AI Assistant


    Only Owners and In-house Marketers can enable the Unattributed Conversion Analysis. Refer to this article to learn about app roles.

    By switching on the Unattributed Conversion Analysis toggle, the AI Assistant is enabled, and the result is visualized. The report configuration will be automatically adjusted to enable the AI Assistant.

    • Granularity and Date Range: If the granularity has been set to hourly it will be changed to daily. Other options won’t be affected. Data for reporting is available from 2024-04-01 onwards.

    • Metric: The Installs (App) is automatically set. If other metrics were selected before enabling the feature, all metrics other than the Installs (App) are removed.

    • GroupBy: The Channel is automatically set, and the Campaign can be added. If other GroupBys were selected before enabling the feature, all GroupBys other than the Channel are removed.

    • Filter: The Channel Type is Unattributed and Integrated Channel. The Platform is iOS. The filter is fixed and can’t be edited.

    Understanding the Unattributed Conversion Analysis Results

    The Unattributed Conversion Analysis results are visualized in summary, chart, and table formats. Only Integrated Channel data are used for the analysis. ”Original” refers to the attribution data aggregated based on the existing attribution model. “Modeled” refers to the simulated data provided by the AI Assistant.

    Apple Search Ads data is not used by the AI Assistant. Refer to this section of this article to learn more.

    AI Assistant Summary

    The summary includes the following:

    • Unattributed Conversions: Unattributed conversions of the original attribution data and the simulated data provided by the AI Assistant are provided. The decreased amount is displayed as a percentage of the prior amount.

    • Attributed Conversions: Attributed conversions simulated by the AI Assistant are provided by channels.


    When hovering over the chart, you can see the original attribution data and the simulated data provided by the AI Assistant in a simple table.

    When hovering over a specific data point, the original attribution data is visualized in a dotted line to help you compare it with the simulated data. You can also hover over the items in the legend to get the same effect.


    The table shows the original attribution data and the simulated data provided by the AI Assistant.


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