Channel Integration - Google Ads

    Jusang SongWritten by Jusang Song,

    Integrate with Google Ads to track and measure the performance of your Google Ads campaigns with Airbridge.

    Integration Setup

    To enable channel integration, you need to create a Google Ads Link ID and provide it to Airbridge. Then, the Airbridge events must be imported to Google Ads and set as conversion actions. Follow the instructions below for the integration setup.


    1. Log in to your Google Ads account, navigate to [Tools and settings]>[Setup]>[Linked accounts] from the top menu bar.


    2. Select App from the category buttons, find Third-party app analytics, and click Details.

    3. Click Create link ID.


    4. Select Airbridge as the app analytics provider and select your mobile app's platform, Android or iOS. You need to create a link ID for each platform if you have apps on both platforms by repeating the above process.


    5. Select your relevant app under [Look up your app], and click Create link ID to get your link ID.


    6. If you already have existing linked third-party analytics accounts, navigate to [Tools and settings]>[Setup]>[Linked accounts], find Third-party app analytics, click Manage & link, and then click the [plus] icon to create a new link ID.


    Once you have copied the Google Ads link ID, log in to your Airbridge account, navigate to [Integrations]>[Ad Channel Integration]>[Google Ads], and paste it to the link ID field. Make sure you paste the link ID in the correct field, as the link IDs for Android and iOS apps are different.


    Import Airbridge Events into Google Ads

    1. Log in to your Google Ads account and navigate to [Tools and settings]>[Measurement]>[Conversions].


    2. Click the New conversion action button.


    3. Select App from the list of conversion types.

    4. Select Third-party Analytics and click Continue.


    5. Select the Airbridge events you want to import to Google Ads, which will be set as conversion actions. The Airbridge events are available in the import list only when they are collected by Airbridge after the Google Ads link ID has been registered to Airbridge.

    The “First_open” event MUST be included in the selection. Once you have selected all events you want to import, click Import and continue.

    You’ll now see your third-party conversion events in the conversion actions table. Click on the name of the event to see more details.



    If you can’t see the conversion actions in the conversion actions table properly or you can’t see the Google Ads campaign data in Airbridge, follow the below tips for troubleshooting.


    Enable auto-tagging

    Google has introduced GCLID and gBraid to measure ad performance while protecting user privacy. For tracking iOS 14.5 and later devices that have opted out of app tracking, gBraid is used.

    To use GCLID and gBraid for attribution, you must enable the auto-tagging feature in your Google Ads dashboard. Navigate to [Settings]>[Account Settings] and check the checkbox to enable auto-tagging.

    GCLID and gBraid

    For Android 12 and later devices that have opted out of personalized ads, identifiers such as GCLID or the Google Play Install Referrer are used due to the absence of GAID.

    For iOS 14.5 and later devices that have opted out of app tracking, gBraid is used to measure campaign performance. The gBraid parameter provides anonymized and aggregated conversion data to advertisers, allowing for privacy-preserving attribution.


    Attribution Rule Settings

    Navigate to [Integrations]>[Ad Channel Integration]>[Google Ads] and select the [Attribution Rule] tab to view the attribution rules for Google Ads. Click Go to edit page to move to the [Management]>[Attribution Rule] page, where you can edit the attribution rules.

    To learn about the detailed instructions on how to set the attribution rules, follow this article.

    How to view Google Ads campaign data in Airbridge

    Google Ads provides different data sets for different campaigns. The scope of data available is subject to change depending on Google Ads’ data policy. If you can’t view some of the data sets, check your campaign type and the scope of data available. For more details, read this Google Ads article.

