SDK Integration
Android SDK ↗
Set up the Airbridge Android SDK
Set up the Airbridge iOS SDK
Web SDK ↗
Set up the Airbridge Web SDK
React Native SDK ↗
Set up the Airbridge React Native SDK
Cordova, Ionic, and PhoneGap SDKs ↗
Set up the Airbridge Cordova, Ionic, and PhoneGap SDKs
Flutter SDK ↗
Set up the Airbridge Flutter SDK
Expo SDK ↗
Set up the Airbridge Expo SDK
Unity SDK ↗
Set up the Airbridge Unity SDK
Unreal SDK ↗
Set up the Airbridge Unreal SDK
API Reference
Getting Started ↗
Get the basics for using the Airbridge API
Tracking Links ↗
Find out how to create and manage tracking links
Server-To-Server Events ↗
Send events from your servers to Airbridge
Reports ↗
Query Airbridge's datasets and retrieve aggregated data
Attribution Results ↗
Retrieve attribution data by unique device IDs
Data Ingestion ↗
Upload spend data as CSV files and define metrics