You can specify the language to use for API requests and responses. It follows the ISO-639-1 format.
Represents the media type of the resource. Defaults to application/json
The key value to use for API requests. Instructions for getting API keys are in "how to generate API Keys".
OFF is the default setting. The touchpoint can be attributed to both install events and post-install events (in-app events).
ON-TRUE is used for re-engagement campaigns for installed users. The touchpoint generated by the tracking link is attributed only to the deeplink open and the following in-app events, not to the install event.
ON-FALSE is used for user acquisition campaigns targeting uninstalled users. The touchpoint generated by the tracking link is attributed only to the install event and the following in-app events, not to the 'deeplink open' event.
Stopover Page
true: activate
false: deactivate
Landing in the Google Play Store.
Landing in the Airpage.
Landing in the URL.
Landing in the App Store.
Landing in the Airpage.
Landing in the URL.
Landing in the Google Play Store.
Landing in the App Store.
Landing in the URL.