Release Note - Android SDK


v4.0.1 - Jul 23, 2024


  • Fixed an issue on deferred deeplink data not collected

v2.26.1 - Jul 16, 2024


  • Added an interface to stop event tracking.

  • Added an interface for IAP event tracking.

v4.0.0 - Jun 25, 2024


v2.25.0 - Jun 25, 2024


  • Fixed DeviceUUID setting logic

  • Fixed possible bottlenecks in Lifecycle logic

v2.24.3 - May 23, 2024


  • Add exception handling for BadParcelableException

v2.24.2 - May 2, 2024


  • New added App set ID support

v2.24.1 - Apr 16, 2024


  • Fixed parsing issue caused by NaN and infinite values.

v2.24.0 - Feb 27, 2024


  • Fixed an issue where duplicate decoding of the airbridge_deeplinkparameter of deep link URI occurred.


v2.23.0 - Nov 30, 2023


  • add fetchAirbridgeGeneratedUUIDto the SDK interface.

v2.22.3 - Nov 22, 2023


  • renamed the function that gets `Meta install referrer` information

  • change Meta install referrer event data payload

v2.22.2 - Sep 29, 2023


  • Change the callback called by IBinder ServiceConnection to be called through IO thread.

v2.22.1 - Aug 29, 2023


  • fix an issue where lifecycle tracking was not working properly when an app was opened with a deep link when a custom domain is set

v2.22.0 - Jul 14, 2023


  • add feature to pass dashboard registered deeplink to callback

v2.21.6 - Jun 27, 2023


  • updated Meta on-device attribution feature specification

v2.21.5 - Jun 23, 2023


  • fix an issue where events were not caught by deep_link open when entering through braze push

v2.21.4 - Jun 19, 2023


  • change Meta on-device attribution event data payload

v2.21.0 - Apr 26, 2023


  • SDK Signature feature to protect against SDK spoofing.

v2.20.1 - Feb 27, 2023


  • SDK enable/disable interface for memory release

v2.20.0 - Feb 20, 2023


  • SDK enable/disable interface


v2.19.6 - Dec 26, 2022


  • Logic for collecting attribution results when opening app for the first time has been improved.

v2.19.5 - Dec 16, 2022


  • Interface to add device alias

  • Enable attribution for http referrer when opened through App links.

v2.19.4 - Dec 2, 2022


  • OnDeferredDeeplinkDetermineListener


    interface has been added to get notifications for completed deferred deep link actions upon app launch.

v2.19.3 - Nov 11, 2022


  • Occasional NullPointerExceptionerror fix

v2.19.2 - Sep 28, 2022


  • Option for emptying unprocessed events.

  • Feature to turn on/off all Airbridge functions

v2.19.1 - Aug 31, 2022


  • ORAGNIC_REOPEN and FOREGROUNDevents that occur within a session time limit is not collected as default


  • setTrackInSessionLifeCycleEventEnabledfunction

v2.19.0 - Aug 5, 2022


  • Event transmission interval setting feature

v2.18.2 - Aug 1, 2022


  • Optimization

v2.18.1 - Jul 8, 2022


  • Allow uppercase letters for "User Alias" and "User Attribute" key values

v2.18.0 - May 2, 2022


  • The event record for deeplink movement, which was added in v2.16.0version, has been changed that it can be collected only in case of Airbridge.clickmethod call


  • Added handling of HttpExceptionreturned according to httpresult return value from Airbridge.clickmethod call

v2.17.0 - Apr 27, 2022


  • New added Samsung Galaxy Store install referrer support


  • Enhanced IPC(Inter-Process Communication) logics


  • Fixed an issue where the FOREGROUND

  • event occurs when the screen is rotated

v2.16.0 - Apr 5, 2022


  • New added event logging for deep link movement


  • Enhanced usability of Semantic Attributes

v2.15.0 - Mar 15, 2022


  • New added maximum event buffer config

    • For more information, please check the following page


  • Removed <queries/>element, which was included in the Airbridge SDK's AndroidManifest.xml by default

  • Removed Device Alias

v2.14.1 - Feb 17, 2022


  • Minimum supported version of Kotlin & Kotlinx coroutines changed to version 1.4


v2.14.0 - Dec 20, 2021


  • Enhanced personal information protection logic internally

v2.13.3 - Nov 29, 2021


  • Fixed an issue when URL contains other than httpor httpswith *

v2.13.2 - Nov 1, 2021


  • Extended event valuetype to numbertype from floattype

  • Enhanced verboselogs for debugging

v2.13.1 - Sep 15, 2021


  • Support Kotlin 1.4 version

v2.13.0 - Sep 14, 2021


  • New added error log collection config

    • For more information, please check the following page


  • New added GooglePlay policy support logics

    • For more information, please check the following page

v2.12.2 - Jul 16, 2021


  • Fixed an issue that SQLiteconcurrency issue

v2.12.1 - Jul 12, 2021


  • New added Android privacy policy support logics

    • For more information, please check the following page

  • New added following Proguard consumer rules

Text# Preserve some attributes that may be required for reflection.
-keepattributes *Annotation*,Signature,InnerClasses,EnclosingMethod

v2.12.0 - Jun 1, 2021


  • Removed 'Standard Event Class'


  • Enhanced logs for debugging

v2.11.1 - May 07, 2021


  • New added Mobile Country Code(MCC) and Mobile Network Code(MNC) information collection

v2.11.1 - Apr 28, 2021


v2.11.0 - Apr 23, 2021


  • New added Huawei OAID support

v2.10.2 - Apr 19, 2021


  • Fixed an issue that Huawei install referrer is not properly obtains from Huawei App Gallery in Android OS 11


  • Updated Kotlin Coroutines Library to v1.3.9

  • Applied proguard rules for prevent Android "Module with the Main dispatcher is missing" #1606 issue

Text-keep class** {*;}

v2.10.1 - Mar 17, 2021


  • Fixed an issue that 'java.lang.IllegalArgumentException' which may occur if 'Activity.getIntent()' returns a 'null' value

v2.10.0 - Feb 08, 2021


  • Standard EventClass is Deprecated


  • Improved Data Protectionlogics

  • Improved event driven system logics

v2.9.3 - Jan 05, 2021


  • New added session start time collection field


v2.9.2 - Dec 17, 2020


  • New added a function to pass Semantic Attributesas Mapin hybrid app

v2.9.1 - Dec 14, 2020


  • Changed Kotlin Stdliblibrary target version to 1.3.72

  • Changed Kotlinx Coroutineslibrary target version to 1.3.3

v2.9.0 - Dec 02, 2020

  • New added a function to get Attribute Datainformation

  • Fixed an issue that Install Referrerwas not properly collected except for the Google Play Store in Android OS 11 version of devices

v2.8.1 - Nov 24, 2020

  • Fixed an issue that open events were not commonly accumulated due to the problem that apps did not terminate properly on the Samsung Galaxy devices

v2.8.0 - Nov 5, 2020

  • New added app market identifier setup method to measure inflow by app market

    • For more information, please check the following page

v2.7.0 - Sep 16, 2020

  • New added Huawei App Gallery Install Referrersupport

  • New added an interface to pass Semantic Attributesto Map

  • New added Semantic Attributes totalQuantityfield

v2.6.2 - Sep 28, 2020

  • Fixed an issue that app lifecycle events were not properly recoreded when using Android Foreground Service

v2.6.1 - Sep 23, 2020

  • Fixed a Android Studio auto completion issue that occurred in Airbridge SDK v2.3.3 ~ v2.6.0

v2.6.0 - Aug 14, 2020

  • New added Firebase Push Token registration method to track app deletion

    • For more information, please check the following page

  • Event transmission logic has been improved

v2.5.1 - Aug 6, 2020

  • Applied new added Google Referrer parameters

    • referrer_click_timestamp_server_seconds : The server-side timestamp, in seconds, when the referrer click happened.

    • install_begin_timestamp_server_seconds : The server-side timestamp, in seconds, when app installation began.

    • install_version : The app's version at the time when the app was first installed.

v2.5.0 - Jul 31, 2020

  • The restrictions of Event Custom Attributesdata disappear

v2.4.0 - Jul 24, 2020

  • The Semantic Attributesdata that was only available in a specific event has been changed to be used in all events

  • Changed to ignore the conversion process and forward when a universal tracking link other than httpor httpsis detected

v2.3.7 - Jul 15, 2020

  • Fixed an issue when null is entered in the Label, Value, and Custom Attributesfields when calling events from the hybrid application

v2.3.6 - Jul 14, 2020

  • New added the ability to add Custom Domainin Airbridge Config

v2.3.5 - Jul 6, 2020

  • Fixed an issue that the app dying when deferred deep link delivered as a link that is not supported by the app

v2.3.4 - Jun 26, 2020

  • Fixed an issue that the query parameter of URI could not be delivered properly while deep linking

v2.3.3 - Jun 19, 2020

  • New added the ability to distinguish events in hybrid apps

v2.3.2 - Jun 9, 2020

  • Fixed an issue that user information did not disappear properly when calling the Signoutevent in the hybrid apps

  • Fixed an issue that did not work properly when passing certain nullfields in hybrid apps

v2.3.1 - May 29, 2020

  • Fixed Fatal Errorthat occurred when more than one OneStore was installed on same device

  • New added Brazeintegration functionality

v2.3.0 - May 27, 2020

  • Improved usability of hybrid app integration

    • Airbridge::createJavaScriptInterface method is no longer valid

    • Please use Airbridge::setJavascriptInterface method instead

  • No longer requires mobileApp argument for init in Web SDK

    • The event is automatically sent as an mobile event rather than web event when mobile SDK is detected

v2.2.3 - May 6, 2020

  • New added Event Attribute value type rules like below

    • Event Attribute key should be String type

    • Event Attribute value only allowed Primitive types, String type, primitive types arrayand String array(The values will be ignored when type is not allowed)

  • New added Currencyand Total Valuefields into AddToCartEventand OrderCompletedEvent

  • Changed Event Valuetype to Floatfrom Int

  • Changed StaticEventclass name to Eventand it opens for inheritance

  • Changed User's id, emailand phonevalue to Nullable

v2.2.2 - Apr 20, 2020

  • Changed Productclass pricevalue's type to Floatfrom Int

  • Fixed the issue that SignInEventcasted to SignUpEvent

v2.2.1 - Apr 16, 2020

  • Fixed the issue thatInstall Referreris not properly received from OneStore except SKT

v2.2.0 - Apr 14, 2020

  • New added OneStoreInstall Referrersupport

  • New added Airbridge.createJavaScriptInterface()method for hybrid application

v2.1.0 - Apr 13 2020

v2.0.0 - Apr 7, 2020

  • Replace publish repository to '' from 'JCenter'

  • Replace package name to 'co.ab180.airbridge' from 'io.airbridge'

  • Replace main class to 'Airbridge' from 'AirBridge'

  • Please check Android SDK page for more details

v1.8.1 - Mar 12, 2020

  • User ID is not automatically included our hash rules

  • Fix the issue that carrier name cannot collected when bluetooth module is not exist

v1.8.0 - Jan 23, 2020

  • New added user attributes functionality

  • New added location collection functionality

  • Doesn't required '*


    ' permission anymore to taking network carrier name information

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