Airbridge sends silent push notifications everyday between 0:00 and 1:00 KST (Korea Standard Time) to users who have tracked app events at least once in the past 6 months, to check whether the app has been deleted. You can check app deletion events through Airbridge reports and by extracting original data.
Enter your Apple Developer Center and Google Cloud Console certification information on the Airbridge dashboard.
Please check the following 4 pieces of certification information at the Apple Developer Center.
为了获取 APNs(Apple Push Notification service)Auth Key,请首先在 Apple Developer 开启 App 的推送通知。
请在 Apple Developer 点击 [Identifiers]。
请搜索并点击要追踪的 App,勾选 “Push Notification”。
请在 Apple Developer 点击 [Keys],然后点击 “+” 按钮创建并下载 APNs Auth Key(p8)。
APNs Auth Key(p8)只能在创建时下载,无法重复下载。若丢失,需重新生成。
每次最多可创建 2 个 APNs Auth Key。
您可在 [Keys] 中点击已创建的 APNs Auth Key 以获取 Key ID。
请在 Apple Developer 点击 [Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles]>[Identifiers],搜索并点击要追踪的 App,即可获取该 App 的 Bundle ID。
Team ID (App ID Prefix) 可在 Apple Developer 的 [Account]>[Membership details] 获取。
Please do the following 3 pieces of tasks to check certification information at the Google Cloud console.
请按照以下步骤创建 App 卸载追踪所需的 Google Cloud IAM(Identity and Access Management)自定义角色:
1. 请登录 Google Cloud 控制台,在下拉列表中选择要创建自定义角色的项目。
2. 导航至 [IAM 和管理]>[角色],然后点击 “创建角色”。
3. 将角色的名称、ID、角色发布阶段设置为如下:
名称:Airbridge Uninstalls
4. 请点击 “添加权限”。
5. 请点击 “输入属性名称或值“,搜索并选择 cloudmessaging.messages.create
,勾选复选框后点击 ”添加“。
6. 点击 “创建” 即可完成创建自定义角色。
1. 请导航至 [IAM 和管理]>[服务账号],然后点击 “创建服务账号”。
2. 请将服务账号名称设置为 ABR Uninstall Service Account
。请点击 “创建并继续”。
3. 请在 “请选择一个角色” 下拉列表搜索并选择 “Airbridge Uninstalls”, 然后点击 “继续”。
4. 点击 “完成” 即可完成创建服务账号。
1. 请导航至 [IAM 和管理]>[服务账号]。在服务账号列表中选择名称为 ABR Uninstall Service Account
2. 请选择 [密钥] 选项卡,点击 “添加密钥” 后选择 “创建新密钥”。
3. 选择 “JSON” 密钥类型后点击 “创建” 即可下载包含私钥的 JSON 文件。请将此文件保存至安全的位置。
Enter all the certification information from the Apple Developer Center into [Settings]>[Uninstall Tracking]>[iOS App Uninstall Tracking] of Airbridge.
After entering all the authentication information in Airbridge, select the app environment to collect push tokens.
The push token collected differs depending on the app environment you choose. For example, push tokens collected in the Production environment cannot be used in the Development environment.
支持的 App:在 App Store 上发布的 App 以及通过 TestFlight、Ad Hoc、或 Enterprise 发布的测试版 App
收集的推送 Token:用于卸载追踪的实际推送 Token
支持的 App:“生产” 不支持的测试版 App
收集的推送 Token:在开发环境中使用的推送 Token
“开发” 仅支持静默推送通知测试。请使用 “生产” 追踪实际卸载。
Follow the steps below to submit Firebase credentials to Airbridge.
1. Navigate to [Settings]>[Uninstall Tracking] in the Airbridge dashboard.
2. Select the [Android] tab.
3. Upload the JSON key file by dropping the file or clicking to select the file.
Silent Push Test is a test that lets you confirm whether the silent push is being sent correctly. When you click 'Silent Push Test', you can verify whether the silent push is being properly sent to your device with the entered authorization information. The silent push test does not measure or generate app deletion events, so you cannot verify app deletions on the Airbridge dashboard.
One of the authentication informations needed for app deletion tracking, the Bundle ID, can only be validated through the Silent Push Test. Therefore, we recommend proceeding with the silent push test.
To conduct a silent push test, you need an APNs push token (device token). The push token you collect varies depending on the app environment. You need to check the push token and the app environment before conducting a silent push test. Please refer to the Apple Developer Guide for how to check the APNs push token.
When you send a silent push to a device from Airbridge, you can check for a success message or an error code. The main error codes that can be checked via a silent push test in an iOS environment are as follows. For more information about error codes, please refer to the Apple developer guide.
错误代码 | 含义 |
403 (InvalidProviderToken) | APNs 凭证无效。请注册有效的 Key ID 或 Team ID 后重试。 |
400 (TopicDisallowed) | Bundle ID 无效。请注册有效的 Bundle ID 后重试。 |
400 (BadDeviceToken) | 推送 Token 无效。请检查测试 App 和 App 环境设置是否匹配。 |
410 (Unregistered) | 推送 Token 无效。请检查测试 App 和 App 环境是否匹配。另外,用户可能在几天前已经卸载了测试 App。 |
410 (ExpiredToken) | 推送 Token 无效。请检查测试 App 和 App 环境是否匹配。另外,用户可能在几天前已经卸载了测试 App。 |
部分表示 App 已被卸载的错误代码在静默推送通知成功追踪到卸载事件时也会出现。然而,这会导致无法分辨静默推送测试是否成功,从而削弱测试的目的。因此,为确保测试有效,请使用最近 10 天内未卸载测试 App 的设备进行静默推送测试。
iOS Simulator 无法进行静默推送测试。
Test silent push notifications to make sure the notifications can be successfully sent to devices. To proceed with the test, click Test silent push and enter the FCM registration token of your test device. For detailed instructions on how to access your FCM registration token, refer to Firebase documentation.
A success message will be shown when a silent push notification is successfully sent to a test device with the app. A failure message containing the error 404 will be shown when a silent push notification is successfully sent to a test device without the app.
Find the complete list of error codes below. For details about the error codes, refer to Firebase documentation.
错误代码 | HTTP 状态码 | 含义 |
INVALID_ARGUMENT | 400 | 请求参数无效,请检查包名称等信息是否输入正确。 |
THIRD_PARTY_AUTH_ERROR | 401 | APNs 证书或 Web 推送 Auth key 无效或丢失。请检查凭证。 |
SENDER_ID_MISMATCH | 403 | 认证的发送者 ID 与注册 Token 的发送者 ID 不一致。请检查发送者 ID。 |
UNREGISTERED | 404 | 注册 Token 无效,表示根据 Airbridge 的判断,App 已被卸载。App 卸载事件可正常被 Airbridge 收集。 |
QUOTA_EXCEEDED | 429 | 已超过消息目标的发送限制。 |
INTERNAL | 500 | Firebase 服务器出现错误,请稍后再试。若错误继续,请联系 Firebase。 |
UNAVAILABLE | 503 | Firebase 服务器过载,未能及时处理请求。请稍后再试。 |
The test never affects the uninstall event count available via Airbridge reports and raw data exports. Therefore, it is impossible to track actual uninstall events by testing the silent push notifications.
To track app deletions, you need to complete the Airbridge SDK setup.
Airbridge tracks app deletions through silent push notifications. Please set up the ability to receive push notifications in the app for this.
When the push token is generated, please deliver it to the SDK by calling the registerPushToken function.
On iOS, send the APNS push token, and on Android, send the Firebase push token.
The silent push notifications that Airbridge sends to track app deletions should not appear to the user in the app. The app should ignore these push notifications. Please refer to the following code.
// ...
if (Airbridge.IsUninstallTrackingNotification(payload)) {
// app uninstall tracking push by airbridge.
// ignore these push notifications.
else {
// ...
Once you enter the authentication information on the Airbridge dashboard and complete the Airbridge SDK setup, you can activate the app deletion tracking toggle. When the toggle is activated, app deletion tracking starts.
For more details on app deletion, please check the Airbridge guide.
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