
    Airbridge supports integration with InMobi.

    Navigate to [Integrations]>[Ad Channel Integration] in your Airbridge dashboard and select “InMobi.” In the [Tracking Link] tab, you can create and manage tracking links to measure the performance of your InMobi campaigns.

    For detailed instructions on creating and managing tracking links in Airbridge, refer to the articles below.



    Attribution rules

    In the [Attribution Rules] tab, you can configure the lookback window and attribution window for InMobi. Click Go to edit page to move to the [Management]>[Attribution Rules] page, where you can edit attribution rules.

    Refer to this article for detailed instructions on configuring the lookback window and attribution window.

    SKAdNetwork Integration

    Refer to the following article and complete the necessary preparations to measure your iOS app campaigns with SKAdNetwork(SKAN). No additional integration procedure is required for SKAN integration with InMobi.

    Postback Settings


    InMobi can only receive postbacks that include the click ID or the device ID. Postbacks without the click ID or the device ID cannot be received by InMobi.

    For more details on postbacks that InMobi can receive, refer to this article.

    In the [Postback] tab, you can configure postbacks and determine which in-app events and attribution results to send as postbacks. The data collected with the Airbridge SDK and tracking links enables you to optimize campaigns and make strategic decisions about budget allocation.

    For more details on postback settings, refer to this article.


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