DeepLink Plan - Creating Tracking Links in Bulk Using the Generator Template

    The Tracking Link Generator Template is a Google spreadsheet file for creating Airbridge tracking links using the tracking link API and Google Apps Script. It allows you to easily generate tracking links in bulk.



    Complete the following steps before using the Generator Template.

    Click the link below to create a copy of the Airbridge Tracking Link Generator Template (DeepLink Plan).

    Follow the steps below to create tracking links using the Generator Template.  


    Refer to the information below to learn about different parameters.

    Changing parameter values

    If you want to edit the parameter values of tracking links you created in the Generator Template, you can do so in the [Change Parameters] tab of the Generator Template.

    While the Tracking Link API is used to create tracking links in the [Create Tracking Links] tab, the REGEXREPLACE function allows for quick parameter value replacement in the [Change Parameters] tab.

    Moreover, unlike the [Create Tracking Links] tab, the [Change Parameters] tab is not subject to Google Apps Script's script runtime limitation.


    How to change parameter values

    1. From the [Create tracking links] tab, enter link names for tracking links in the Link Name column. The link names serve as the identifier for individual tracking links and shall be unique.


    如果为多个追踪链接输入了相同的链接名称,则在 [Change parameters] 工作表中将无法正确更改不同追踪链接的参数值,因为系统仅会识别列表中第一个匹配该链接名称的追踪链接进行参数值更改,其余追踪链接将不会被更改。


    2. In the [Change parameters] tab, select the tracking link name from the Link Name drop-down list of which you want to edit the parameter value.

    3. Enter the parameter values in the white fields. The grey fields indicate the parameters that are not configured in the selected tracking link.

    4. The updated tracking links appear in column K. They are click-types and are updated in real-time whenever the parameter values are updated.

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