Attribution Scenarios

    Learn how Airbridge measures ad performance in specific situations. Before you proceed, refer to this article on the Airbridge attribution model and familiarize yourself with the concepts below.

    Web 归因规则

    Airbridge 对 Web 和 App 适用不同的归因规则。Web 归因规则的主要特点如下:

    • 回溯窗口: 对 Web 事件不适用回溯窗口。

    • 归因窗口: Web 事件的归因窗口默认为 3 天。如果希望更改,请参阅 本指南

    • 优先级: 通过追踪链接收集的触点优先于通过 Airbridge Web SDK 的 UTM 解析(UTM Parsing)收集的触点。

    Mobile App Attribution

    The scenarios below illustrate the mobile app attribution process. It will be assumed that fraudulent touchpoints have already been ruled out and that all conversions took place in the app.

    How the lookback window works

    Let’s say the user has interacted with three different ad channels before installing the app. The goal here is to determine which ad channel should take credit for the app install.

    Having reconstructed the user journey, Airbridge proceeds as below.

    How the attribution window works

    Let’s say the user has interacted with the app five times, including the app install. The winning touchpoint for the app install has already been determined, and the goal here is to figure out how to attribute the post-install in-app events.

    Having reconstructed the user journey, Airbridge proceeds as below.

    How overlapping attribution windows work

    Let’s say the user has interacted with the app five times, including an app install and a deep link open. The winning touchpoints for the two events have already been determined, and the goal here is to figure out how to attribute the remaining post-install in-app events.

    Having reconstructed the user journey, Airbridge proceeds as below.

    Web Attribution

    The scenarios below illustrate the web attribution process. It will be assumed that fraudulent touchpoints have already been ruled out and that all conversions took place in the app.

    Web 归因规则

    Airbridge 对 Web 和 App 适用不同的归因规则。Web 归因规则的主要特点如下:

    • 回溯窗口: 对 Web 事件不适用回溯窗口。

    • 归因窗口: Web 事件的归因窗口默认为 3 天。如果希望更改,请参阅 本指南

    • 优先级: 通过追踪链接收集的触点优先于通过 Airbridge Web SDK 的 UTM 解析(UTM Parsing)收集的触点。

    How to attribute a web event

    For Airbridge to identify the winning touchpoint for web events, the Airbridge Web SDK should be integrated into your website, and the user should visit your website by clicking on a tracking link-embedded ad.

    Let’s say the user has interacted with the website four times, including the website visit. The goal here is to figure out how to attribute the post-visit web events.

    Having reconstructed the user journey, Airbridge proceeds as below.

    How overlapping web attribution windows work

    Let’s say the user has interacted with the website five times, including two times of website visits. The goal here is to figure out how to attribute the other three web events.

    Having reconstructed the user journey, Airbridge proceeds as below.

    Web-to-App Attribution Using CTA buttons

    The scenarios below illustrate the web-to-app attribution process. It will be assumed that fraudulent touchpoints have already been ruled out and that all conversions occurred in the app. Users are sent to the app when they click a call-to-action (CTA) button, such as a “View from our app” button from the website.

    To implement web-to-app tracking, embed a custom channel tracking link in the CTA button or create it using the setDeeplinks feature in the Airbridge Web SDK.


    Only ATT opt-in devices can be tracked for ad performance measurement.

    Measuring the ad performance

    The web-to-app attribution using the setDeeplinks feature is dependent on the Protected Attribution Window (PAW) configuration in the Airbridge Web SDK. This is the time frame in which the touchpoints collected by the Airbridge Web SDK are excluded from the attribution starting from the website launch.

    For example, if the PAW is set to 30 minutes, the touchpoints that occur on the website for the 30-minute time frame from the point of time the user opens the website are not considered for attribution.

    The following table shows the PAW configuration examples. Refer to this article in our developer’s guide to learn how to configure the PAW in the Airbridge Web SDK.

    PAW Configuration



    Default settings. PAW is set to 30 minutes.


    PAW can be customized by editing codes.


    PAW is not used.


    若您希望在 CTA 按钮中嵌入自定义渠道追踪链接,则不可使用 setDeeplinks 函数。相反,若您使用 setDeeplinks 函数创建 CTA 按钮,则不可向其嵌入自定义渠道追踪链接。

    Read on to understand the attribution process that varies depending on the PAW settings.

    Measuring the website performance

    Embed a custom channel tracking lin in the CTA button. The CTA button becomes the winning touchpoint, and therefore, the website's impact on the app's conversions can be measured.

    This approach does not require the Web SDK install. However, the performance of the ad that brought users to the website can’t be measured.

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