Creating an Actuals Report

    The Actuals Report is the go-to report for monitoring ad performance. You can configure the metrics, GroupBys, and filters, to create a customized real-time report view that suits your marketing needs.

    The Actuals Report can be accessed from the [Reports]>[Actuals] on the left menu bar.

    Configuring a Report View

    The configuration box offers options for configuring the date range, metrics, GroupBys, and filters. The chosen metrics will be displayed by the selected GroupBys in the table. When setting up filters, only the data that meets the filter conditions will be displayed.

    Date range

    The Actuals Report shows the metric data measured during the set date range. Use the calendar filter to configure the date range.

    • Data provision period: 5 years (applied from February 1, 2023)

    • Maximum period that can be configured for a report view: 92 days

    The date range conditions available in the calendar filter are as follows.


    Due to some channels' privacy policies, some metrics may show data as 0 for anything older than 6 months. Refer to this article to learn more.

    Time zone

    You can select the time zone of your choice for creating the report view. The default time zone is the same as the Airbridge App time zone.


    The data collected through tracking links, Airbridge SDK, and ad channels can be visualized in the Actuals Report using metrics. You can choose from the metrics supported by Airbridge or create custom metrics to build the report view you need.

    Up to 20 metrics can be selected to create a report view, and at least 1 metric must be selected to create an Actuals Report. If no metric is selected, the Actuals Report cannot be created even if you configure the GroupBy and filter. Note that metrics will appear in the metric selector only after the relevant data is collected by Airbridge. For more details, refer to this article.


    The metric data is grouped by the selected GroupBys. Configuring the GroupBy is optional and up to 10 GroupBys can be configured. You can rearrange the order of the GroupBys by dragging the GroupBy chips. Refer to this article to learn about the GroupBy options that are available.

    When selecting the Day N metric and configuring GroupBys, the Start Event data will be grouped by the selected GroupBy option in the report.


    Filters can be configured to display specific data in the chart and table. Select the filter option, operator, and value to configure a filter. Properties collected at least once are available as the filter option.

    Filters can be also configured by clicking = or that appears when hovering over the GroupBy rows.

    Date Option

    The Date Option allows you to configure how you want to aggregate the data in your report. The following options are available.

    • is based on Event Date

    • is based on Target Event Date

    • is based on Touchpoint Date

    For more details, refer to this article.

    Understanding the Actuals Report

    The Actuals Report provides the data in table format. The report can be exported as a CSV file. You can also save your report settings to revisit the same report whenever needed.


    The data in the Actuals Report is presented in a table where the sum and average value of each field are visible.

    Using the Sharelink feature, the data of the saved report can be shared as a CSV file in near real-time without the need to access the Airbridge dashboard. Only saved reports can be shared using a Sharelink.

    The data shared via Sharelinks is the data from the report view you have created and have access to in the Airbridge dashboard. Therefore, be cautious when sharing Sharelinks, as anyone with the Sharelink can import the report data, regardless of the app access level, even people who are not an Airbridge user.

    Refer to this article to learn more about how to use Sharelinks.

    Supported features

    Airbridge supports various features across its reports, from saving reports to sharing them with others.


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