FAQ - Active Users

    Jeongwon KimWritten by Jeongwon Kim,

    Active Users

    Q. What criteria is used when counting Active User? Does it include Web data as well? 

    Active users are counted based on Airbridge Device UUID, and currently Web data is not included. 


    Q. The DAU and MAU has a different figure for the same period.  

    DAU and MAU have a different definition of measuring a unique user. For example, if 'A' user logged in every day for 30 days, the sum of DAU will be calculated by a unique visit per day which results in 1 visit X 30 days = 30. On the other hand, the sum of MAU is calculated by a unique visit per month which results in 1 visit X 1 month = 1. Hence, these two metrics will have a different figure.


    Q. The data does not match after adding Groupby into the report. 

    If you groupby 'Channel' in Active Users Report, Airbridge will calculate the unique users per each channel. This will lead the sum of each channel's figure will bigger than the data without groupby. 

    For example, if there was a user attributed to both Google and Naver, the total unique count would be 1, but if you groupby it to 'Channel', Google and Naver would have 1 count respectively which makes the total to be 2. 

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