Recommended Airbridge Events - Commerce

    To effectively analyze user behavior in Airbridge, it is essential to have appropriate event definitions and event taxonomies tailored to the specific industry of the service. Consult the recommended event taxonomy for the commerce services.


    Before you continue reading on, you may need a basic understanding of Airbridge events. Refer to the following articles for more information.

    The following article from the developer guide is for developers.


    Users conduct various actions until they make the purchase. Such actions include engaging with ads, checking product information, adding items to their wishlists, and more. User drop-off is frequent, even during the payment process. For example, some users drop off while filling out the required information on the order page.

    Before defining Airbridge events for your commerce app, it's important to understand your app's typical user journey. Collecting the recommended Airbridge events for commerce apps will help answer the following questions:

    • How much revenue has been generated by users who were acquired by certain ad campaigns?

    • At which stage did users drop off?

    • What are the products that users are most interested in?

    • Which products in shopping carts or wishlists are unpopular?

    Below is the recommended event taxonomy for commerce apps. The event taxonomy may vary depending on the typical user journey and the product item type.

    The Install, Deeplink Open, and Open events don't require any taxonomy setup for Airbridge to collect them, as the events are automatically collected once the Airbridge SDK is installed.

    Standard Event

    For the full list of Standard Events, refer to this article.

    Defining Custom GroupBys

    By configuring the Custom GroupBys, you can collect more information using the Action and Label. Refer to the example below.

    1. Define the Action and Label to collect information such as the product item name, product ID, and product category. Use an underscore (_) or hyphen (-). For example, laptop-110-electronics.

    2. Configure the Custom GroupBy using underscore (_) or hyphen (-) that you used in the previous step.

    3. By using the Custom GroupBys as in the Actuals Report, you can view the data by the product item name, product ID, and category.

    Custom Events

    If necessary, define additional Custom Events other than the events listed below to collect them.

