Cost Data Upload


    The data upload feature is available only to Owner and In-house Marketer users. Agency and Media Partner users cannot access it.

    If the [Integrations]>[DATA UPLOAD] menu is not visible on your Airbridge dashboard, check your app role.

    You can upload cost data to Airbridge in a CSV file format to add data that is not collected by Airbridge via channel integration or tracking links. Such cost data could include ad spending on influencer marketing or outdoor advertisements.

    Once you upload the data on the [Integrations]>[Cost Data] page, you can view the cost data in the Actuals Report.

    CSV File Preparation

    The cost data shall be uploaded in a CSV file format. Refer to the following sample CSV file.

    Data input rules

    Make sure to abide by the following data input rules when preparing the CSV file to avoid errors.

    • GroupBy data shall be input in the same way as displayed in Airbridge so that the data you upload can be aggregated along with the data collected via the SDK and tracking links. For example, if the CSV includes “Android,” the data won’t be aggregated as “android” data because Airbridge displays data as “android,” not “Android.”

    • The maximum file size for CSV is 1MB with a limit of 10,000 rows.

    • Make sure no blank fields are included. For string-type data, 1 to 256 characters are allowed.

    Only designated row names shall be used. Make sure no spaces are included in the row names. No blank cells should be included. The data won’t be uploaded properly if there is a blank cell in the required rows. If there is no data to input, input 0 or none, depending on the data type of the required row.

    Uploading CSV File

    1. Navigate to [Integrations]>[Cost Data], and click CSV File Upload.

    2. Drag and drop the CSV file or select your file from the finder.

    3. Make sure you dropped or selected the correct file and click Upload.

    4. Data processing may take up to 10 minutes. After clicking Confirm, you can use other features of Airbridge.

    Upload status

    The upload status can be found in the Status column. The upload status is updated automatically.

    Refer to the table below for the status details.




    In progress

    Your file is being uploaded to Airbridge. It may take up to 10 minutes.


    Your file could not be uploaded. Click [Action]>[Details] to learn why.


    Your file is successfully uploaded to Airbridge.


    The majority of problems occur when the CSV file does not abide by the designated format or in the process of overwriting. Make sure your network connection status is working.


