SKAdNetwork Integration


    This article is a guide for media partners.

    SKAN integration is required per ad channel to view SKAN data in Airbridge. It is a different integration module from the integration using tracking links.

    Implementing SKAN Integration

    Below is the general SKAN data flow.

    1. The advertiser provides the conversion values from the iOS device to the ad channel.

    2. The ad channel sends the conversion values to Airbridge.

    3. Airbridge sends the event data as per conversion value mapping to the ad channel.

    SKAN integration is required to support the second and third steps of the above process.

    Sending SKAN conversion values from the ad channel to Airbridge

    The ad channel needs to forward the received SKAN postbacks to the Airbridge SKAN Postback API. Choose one of the following methods for transmission.

    The data transmission method differs by parameter. If the source is SKAdNetwork Postback, it needs to be forwarded as is without any additional processing. If the source is an ad network, it needs to be decoded by the ad channel, or additional information needs to be added before transmission.

    Sending SKAN data from Airbridge to ad channels

    The ad channel utilizes the SKAdNetwork Conversion Value Config API to retrieve the advertiser-provided conversion value settings and subsequently decodes the conversion value using those settings.

