Funnel Report Use Cases

    Here are some use cases of the Airbridge Funnel Report you can refer to for your funnel analysis.


    Analyzing Users Who Installed the App and Signed In Within the Last 10 Days

    Let’s say you launched a new app in the global market. You want to know whether users successfully sign up and sign in after installing the app. You want to use the Airbridge Funnel Report to look deeper into the behavior of the users who installed the app and signed in within the last 10 days.

    Analyzing User Journeys by Country

    You may need to get more granular to create a robust marketing strategy based on the data you get from the report you created by following the steps above. To analyze the user journeys by country, follow the steps below.

    Specifying the Cohort for User Analysis Optimization

    Let’s say you want to see how many users complete a purchase after viewing the products and adding them to their cart. You can do that by creating a funnel consisting of Steps defined as Product View (App), Add To Cart (App), and Order Complete (App).

    You can get more granular by specifying a cohort. For example, you can find out whether users who added products to their carts in the last 30 days have a higher conversion rate than those who didn’t.

    Using Event Property Filters to Specify User Journeys

    Let’s say you want to find out where the users most drop off from your game. You can specify the user journey within the game by configuring the steps as game levels using event property filters.

