Users may see the domain of passwords stored with the Password AutoFill feature as or
After setting up deep links for the Airbridge SDK, if you utilize the Password AutoFill feature, the domain is saved as the applinks domain of the Airbridge deep link, which is or
The problem can be solved by setting up the webcredentials domain used in the Password AutoFill.
1. Prepare the domain that will store the password.
2. Host the JSON below at https://YOUR_DOMAIN/.well-known/apple-app-site-association
with Content-Type: application/json
. Your prepared domain should be entered instead of YOUR_DOMAIN
You can find the App ID Prefix and Bundle ID in the [Identifiers]>[YOUR_APP] menu of the Apple Developer Portal.
"webcredentials": {
3. Navigate to [YOUR_PROJECT]>[Signing & Capabilities] in Xcode.
4. Click + Capability to add Associated Domains. Enter webcredentials:YOUR_DOMAIN
in Associated Domains.
If you are already using the expo-route, it will not work after installing the SDK.
When entering the app through the Airbridge tracking link, the link you entered must be converted to a scheme deeplink through Airbridge and then routed. However, due to the expo-router, routing may be processed in the wrong direction such as duplication, wrong movement, etc.
Therefore, the Airbridge Expo SDK has been designed to route the Deeplink.
Please process it to route in the Airbridge.setOnDeeplinkReceived
as in the following code.
import { Airbridge } from 'airbridge-react-native-sdk';
import * as Router from 'expo-router';
const router = Router.useRouter();
Airbridge.setOnDeeplinkReceived((result) => {
// route deeplink