Organization-level User Management

Jeongwon KimWritten by Jeongwon Kim,

Airbridge users have different user management capabilities depending on the organization role they are assigned.

Understanding Airbridge user roles

For effective user management, understanding the capabilities of different user roles is essential. For details about user roles in Airbridge, refer to this article.

User Management Permission

Admins and Managers can invite users to the organization and manage them. Members can only view the user list.

How to Navigate to the [Organization Settings] Page

You need to navigate to the [Organization Settings] page to manage users on the organization level. Follow the below instructions to find the [Organization Settings] page.

User Management


Agency users can be managed in the [Organization Info]>[Agency] menu.

Media Partner users can be managed in the [Settings]>[User Management] menu. For app-level user management, refer to this article.

Select the [User Management] tab to view the user list and manage users in the organization.

Admins and Managers have access to the following capabilities:

  • Invite users to the organization and grant organization roles at once. Select apps to grant access to new users and assign app roles.

  • Change the organization roles and app roles of existing users. Grant users access to new apps.

  • Remove access to certain apps from users or remove users from the organization.

Invite a new user

To invite a new user to your organization, click the “Invite a new user” button in the [My Organization] tab.

In the popup window, enter the email of the user you want to invite and select the organization role, app, and app role you want to assign to the new user.

Refer to the details below for the fields that need to be filled in the popup window.

Click the “Send invitation” button once you entered all fields. Users will receive an email with the invitation link, which is valid for 72 hours from when the email is sent. Users can accept the invitation by clicking the invitation link in the email.

Refer to the following table for the invitation status.

Change the user roles of existing users

There are some exceptions in user management. Refer to the following.

Basic features in Organization Settings




Search for users within the organization.


Copy the user accounts.


Sort users by account name, number of apps, and last active time.


Filter users by organization roles or invitation status.

Resend invitation

Resend email with the invitation link to a user who was already invited before.

View Your Organization Info

In the [Organization Info] tab, you can view the organization ID and the display name of your organization.

  • Organization ID: This is the unique ID assigned by Airbridge to each organization. Regardless of the organization's role, all users can view the organization ID of their organization. The organization ID can’t be changed.

  • Display name: The display name of the organization is set by the Admin user who created the organization. Any Admin can change it afterward.

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